Subluxations/ Joint Hypermobillity in Sitting Trot

Hey everybody,
I cannot for the life of me sit a medium trot. I’m very hypermobile and have seen a few docs who are thinking there’s a chance of EDS, but no one has seen a case so as of right now I’m undiagnosed. I’m having dislocations multiple times a day and subluxations more often than that, but the biggest issue when it comes to riding is my back. I have a 15hh paint who’s not the biggest mover, and I can sit his working trot fine most of the time, but I have an issue with the medium. One or multiple of my vertebrae will subluxate and occasionally one will press on my spinal cord, leaving me temporarily partially paralyzed. The move up to 2nd is still quite a ways away for us, but regardless I’d like to be able to sit the trot. I spent quite a long period of time just working on my seat, and I’m not bouncing around up there or anything, but I just don’t know how to stop this from happening! Any ideas? Stirrup length and back braces haven’t helped, and no doctor is willing to put me in PT for my back as they worry about the long term damage with the degree of hypermobility I have. I’d love to be able to move up to 2nd when required and as we’re at 1rst level now, I’d hate to have this stupid little issue be the reason we stop competing further down the road. Thanks in advance!

I would recommend you not do that anymore. Stay within your physical limitations that don’t leave you temporarily paralyzed as you never know when it will be permanent. Sorry you are dealing with this.


Since you are allowed to post at First Level, I assume you are looking at sitting for Second. I agree with Laurie that you shouldn’t push the sitting if there is a danger of a severe injury that might be permanent. It isn’t anybody’s business if you post all the way through First Level. The rules allow it unless a movement specifies sitting trot, in which case I guess you would loose points for posting. The USEF does have some rules pertaining to getting a waiver for an established disability. Maybe look into them to see if you can qualify.

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