I got my new mare in March and have been pretty consistently riding her 2-3x’s per week- mostly out on trail make a couple times a month in the ring. I’ve had the same tack set up since I started riding her- Barefoot saddle with VPS, supracor pad, breastplate, toklat coolback girth (dressage style). The saddle fits her beautifully with a perfect sweat mark- even on both sides and no dry spots plus spinal clearance when I’m on her. I always do up her girth in increments and pull her legs after the final tightening. I do the girth up snug enough that the saddle doesn’t move around but not so tight that I’m squeezing the daylights out of her.
Anyway, the last 2 rides, she’s gotten girth rubs. Nothing has changed- girth is clean, saddle is the same, etc. The only difference is that we added hind shoes instead of boots. Could she have changed her movement enough to cause the rubs? Any girth suggestions? (preemptively I will say that I do not particularly like mohair girth and have never had luck with them)