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"Suffering Pines - The Beginning"

Gloria Trask straightened her collar and tie in the mirror over Ruth’s dressing table. It was very convenient that Ruth got off (she smiled at the pun) an hour before Gloria had to clock in. She smiled into the glass at Ruth’s touselled reflection. She started to speak but the thought was interrupted by the beeping of her cell phone.

“Trask” she responded. “Yes, sir… No, sir, everything’s been real quiet. No, sir, no new horses have arrived…That’s too bad about the fires, but what’s Virginia Beach got to do with us here? … I see, well, sure I’ll keep you informed. Good bye.”

Ruth came out of the refrigerator with a Coors Light for herself and a V8 for Gloria. “What fires, pookie?”

“Bunch of barn fires in Virginia Beach. Seems to be targeting stallions. A number of horses died. A few escaped injury and the owners bugged out. My boss wants to know if any new stallions show up here.”

Ruth dropped the Coors from her lips and said suspiciously, “Why would he want to know that?”

“Well, I quess because if the targets are stallions, it would be a bigger risk for the agency to cover.”

“Hmmm, but if it was a bigger risk, would your boss send backup? Someone else for you to do rounds with?” Ruth asked thinking about how inconvenient THAT would be.

Gloria considered, “Well he might.”

“Do you really need to tell him about any new horses that arrive?” Ruthie smiled coyishly.

Gloria responded with a slow grin. “I guess not.”

“Ruth? Ruth- are you there?” It was Erik on the intercom. “I know it’s after hours, but can you come down here? We just had two new horses arrive and I’d like to talk to you about them. By the way, has that security guard shown up yet? I’ll need to talk to her, too. These horses will need some extra security. Can you come down now, please?” He clicked off without waiting for an answer.

Ruth and Gloria exchanged troubled looks. The abstract had become real, and although they had no way of knowing it, someone else had already reported the new arrivals to his boss.

Several hours later, the van crawls up a long mountain grade, then pulls off onto a washboard gravel road. The broken cross tie swings through the air like a whip, coming down across Destiny’s beautiful head, leaving a two inch wide welt.

The van rolls to a stop. But where? Destiny shifts back and forth, anticipating being led off. The doors open, and he is brought off the van straight into a dark hole cut into the side of the mountain.

As soon as the lead shank is removed, two 2x6 planks are dropped into slots carved into the rock facing, barring his exit from the cave. A natural spring drips down the wall of the cave, forming a shallow pool to one side. Several flakes of moldy cattle silage are haphazardly tossed into his rock prison. Destiny shies away from the sudden movement, leaving spatters of blood on the floor from his cut and scraped legs.

The Coverall Man pulls out his Verizon Wireless and punches in a number. “Delivery complete”.

An electronically altered voice, cold and sinister on the other end answers. Coverall Man doesn’t know or care who is at the the other end. He doesn’t even know if it’s male or female. He only cares about the fat Swiss Bank Account that will be waiting for him.

The disembodied Voice says, “Well Done. You know what you need to do next…”

[This message has been edited by creseida (edited 08-09-2000).]

How could Heath turn down Jackie’s personal invitation? After all, he hadn’t had a good time in a long while, and it would be nice to get away from the farm. He liked all the girls and enjoyed their sense of humor. But he especially enjoyed Jackie.

As he dressed that envening, wearing a pair of crisp khaki Dockers and a navy blue polo shirt, he smiled at himself in the mirror. For the first time in years it was a genuine smile, and he liked it.

As he walked briskly up towards the barn from his trailer, near the back of the property, he wondered what the night might have in store. He was excited at the prospect of spending time with a group of friends, and one who might become something more…

Kelly stood back and watched what was going on. How in the WORLD did she get herself into this?
Her and Jackie had talked earlier about the stipulation of True Love, and Kelly told Jackie she was welcome to show him and ride him whenever she wanted to so that she could fulfill her obligation. It never said anything about Jackie having to OWN true love, but only that she had to FIND true love.

"Wait a minute, That’s it!" She thought, find true love. “I wonder if True love, my horse, was the one she was looking for and couldn’t find!”

After all, True love had come to her as "Last call" and she was told he was full TB. It wasn't until she researched his past to find out his true name, and his true breeding. She found out when her ex-boyfriend died, and his estate lawyer gave her the key to a bank box that he was instructed to give to her. 

When she went through the box, there were pictures, registration papers, and documented blood samples. Pictures of True love as a foal, and now that she thought of it, there [I]were[/I] two foals in one of pics, she always thought that maybe they were in a pasture with other mares and foals. And his markings were VERY distinctive. The other foal only had two white socks, he had four and a distinctive crooked blaze. And on the back of the picture it read "Left: Destiny, Right, True Love". There were many other pictures, depicting True Love's whole life, from the time with his mare, to the time her ex died. Every show, every move that horse made was documented, his sire and dam, their blood work papers, all vet records even down to worming and shots, every breeding, every farrier visit. Everything this horse did was documented on paper. She had always thought that a bit odd, and now it was starting to make sense...

[This message has been edited by devildog20 (edited 08-31-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Regalmeans:
…a policeman held out a hand to stop her at the door, saying they would need to take a statement from her about the accident and they had reason to believe what happened to Vanessa was linked to her because…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

witnesses at the bar had reported seeing a strange man, dressed in a dark uniform, just before the incident. He had been asking at the bar about the group of pretty ladies; who they were, did they come here often, and what not.

Jackie had been so taken in by Heath’s wishing-well gaze, she’d hardly noticed any longer that they were in a busy pub, surrounded by other party goers. She was oblivious to anyone else who might have been there.

She didn’t know anything about this man, or who he might be. She could only speculate…was Vanessa being stalked all along? Maybe that’s why she’d been so elusive about her past at Riversedge. Jackie had no way of knowing that the tragedy that had befallen Vanessa was really meant for…

[This message has been edited by creseida (edited 08-10-2000).]

“No need to call the police, Jackie.” Muffy was as cool as the proverbial cucumber. “I was walking by to see if Savannah was ready to go. We had agreed to warm up together. I walked by and we were talking and she was complaining that she felt sick and had the start of a migraine.”
“That still doesn’t explain why she’s on the floor of her stall with you standing over her!” exclaimed Jackie.
“Calm down, I was getting to that. As I said we were talking and she atarted to sway back and forth so I came in to the stall to help her, and she just collapsed before you guys walked up.” Muffy was beginning to get angry in addition to worried for the crumpled Savannah at her feet. “Now, if you would please call 9-1-1 for an ambulance, I think our friend here needs more medical attention than she needs us arguing about how she got there in the first place!”
And then the ambulance pulled in about 5 minutes later…

Carleton’s warning was playing on Jackie’s mind that night, as she tossed and turned. Where was the real Destiny? Was that him back at Highbourne, or elsewhere?

Erik was also having trouble sleeping that night. Lacey’s face kept flashing through his mind, along with Maribeth’s. He had promised himself that he would never fall for another client, but they were so alike. Even their riding styles and talent were similar. It would be almost like bringing Lacey back…

PLEASE?!?!?! I want to know what happens!!

Roessel hurried through the woods to his back fields with a leather halter and lead. “I must be crazy,” he thought. After all, he was breaking plans he had held for months to return to Brussels. But, if it was a horse, and it certainly had appeared to be from the driver’s seat of his truck early that morning, he certainly couldn’t let it just sit there in the fields.

“I’ll take it back up the old barn behind the house, where Kerpetriz used to stay,” Roessel decided. “I think I’ve still got some of his oats in there, if the rats haven’t gotten it all.”

Roessel rounded the bend and the woods ended abruptly on the edge of his hay field. There, in the middle, stood a thin bay gelding. Roessel knew his horses; he had once ridden for Belgium’s dressage team. Kerpetriz had, in fact, been his champion Swedish warmblood.

The horse appeared to be an American thoroughbred, although it was hard to tell because he was so undernourished. As Roessle carefully approached the horse, it lifted its head and trotted off.

“My goodness,” thought Roessel. “Look at that movement. Horses of this caliber don’t just go wondering off.”

After an hour of trying to catch the horse, Roessel finally succeeded. “First,” he told the horse as he led him back to the barn, “we’ll get you fed. Then I’ll give you a nice long grooming, and get you back into tip-top shape. I guess I’d also better put an ad in the paper and alert some of the local farms”…

“Well, Ms. Ford, I was glad to help. I’m just glad your horse is okay. Thank you. Bye.” Roessel felt a slight relief as he hung up the phone with Fiona Ford. It would be nice to be able to get back to Brussels, although it had been nice to have a horse back in the barn.

“Diane, you stupid thing! You almost ruined everything! Just be glad that stupid Roessel was kind enough to call us!” yelled Fiona.

Diane ducked as an antique vase was thrown her way. “Well it turned out okay Fiona!”

“Thats besides the point! You almost ruined everything! And with John dead, we’ve got no one to take care of the dirty work! You’d better get in touch with Highbourne Farm.”

“Yes, Ms Ford,” Diane muttered in a voice heavily loaded with sarcasm…

[This message has been edited by Ben & Me (edited 08-10-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by creseida:
“Now, if you’d like to come sit down on the sun porch, I’d like to ask you a few simple questions…”

“First of all,” started Roessel, “where is the REAL Fiona Ford?”

Diane gave a yelp of terror before being pinched again by the white haired woman next to her. “I am the real Fiona Ford, Mr. Roessel. Why would you think otherwise?”

“Well,” started Roessel, “Fiona was NEVER this well dressed. She didn’t even know what silk was, much less wear it.”

“Umm, they say taste comes with age!” stammered Diane. “Right Fiona?”

“Oh yes definetly. I just grew tired of all that polyester you see,” replied the woman.

“I see. Well, what was the name of the horse that I rode in the 1974 Olympics?”

“Umm…Destiny?” said Diane.

“SHUT UP DIANE!” yelled the woman. “Your horse would’ve been Wowatzik,” she said with an air of determination.

“Okay, I beleive I’ve heard enough. You are obviously NOT Ms. Ford and therefore you do not have permission to take this horse. You ladies are kindly excused from my property. Please leave immediately, before I’m forced to call the proper authorities.”


“SHUT UP DIANE! Mr. Roessel, you have our horse in your custody, illegally. Unless you return him to us immediatly, I will be forced to call the proper authorities ON YOU!” said the woman. “I may not be Fiona Ford, but I still own that horse, and I want him back,” she said with a forced calmness.

“Unless you can present me with papers of ownership, I’m afraid I cannot do that. Now if you ladies will please escort yourselves out to your truck…”

“But here! Here are papers!” said Diane. She handed the papers across the table.

“Umm, excuse me Ms. Amos, but these papers appear to be for a chesnut mare, 12.1 hands, with 4 white stockings.”

“DIANE YOU IDIOT!” screamed the woman. “Go get in the truck!”

Diane sulkily left the room, but instead went to the barn. As the woman handed Roessel papers for a bay Thoroughbred gelding, 16.3 hands, white star, they heard the spitting of gravel. Roessel ran out to the driveway and saw the truck and trailer barreling up the drive, with the haunches of a bay gelding clearly visable.

He turned around to find the woman, but found that she had disappeared into the woods. In his younger days he would have gone after her, but now his arthretic knees wouldnt allow it. Instead, he called Carleton…

“Jackie, this is Carleton. A man named Roessel had your horse, but he was stolen back by Diane Amos and a woman pretending to be Fiona Ford.” There was a sound of sudden sobs on the other end of the line. Carleton sat in silence on his end, at a loss for words. They had been so close. "Well Jackie, at least we all know who has the horse, and everybody knows that Diane is not the smartest banana in the bunch. So, there’s hope…

It was another Friday night Ruth was spending at the farm. This was definitely hurting her social life! It had taken more than an hour to capture the crazed Destiny, who’d managed to break his bridle and lose his custom Myler bit somewhere in the woods. She’d have to have one of the grooms walk the trails w/ the magnetic broom they used after the farrier’s visits. The barely broken in Deavoucoux, replaced after the early tack room vandalizm, would certainly never see Devon. Maybe she could talk Jackie into donating it to 4H? Reminding herself to call Beval’s in the morning, she went to check on the horses. The last time she’d had Friday night check didn’t bear thinking about. How had Diane known about the Pool Boy affair?

The light was on in the tack room…NO! Ruth thought, it’s deja vu all over again! But instead of Diane Amos, a tall brown-haired brown-eyed woman with a very athletic figure enclosed in a rentacop uniform stepped into the aisle.

Whether it was the uniform or the woman inside it, Ruth couldn’t say. But she couldn’t talk either. Finally she swallowed and said, “What are you doing here?”

“Mr. Booth called the agency. He’s arranged for a night watch ma…person until further notice. I guess he thought the place…or the people…” she eyed Ruth up and down, “needed watching. I think he may be right. About the people, that is.”

Ruth’s only cohesive thought was that her Friday night had just improved dramatically…

Warning Frivilous thread!
Below are the first few paragraphs of a story that might get published (as Beet Pulp Fiction) if we can find a backer. The way it works is this: Read the paragraphs, add a few of your own. Bulletin Board rules most definitely apply! Anyone can contribute. If you have questions about the plot, where its going, email me please so the story can continue w/o breaks. When you want to break off, start a leading sentence, ie. “His eyes were…” “Then she said…” and let someone else take over.

General story arc is this: girl is left a fortune, girl buys horse, joins Big Name Trainer’s stable, meets poor boy, trials/tribulations ensue. Questions to answer: Will she stay with Big Name? Will True Love prevail? Will Poor Boy make good? And who is that man who’s always…watching…at ringside? For those who have not lived in Suffering Pines, make up places or use the ones previously mentioned. Suffering Pines folks, maybe you could start a “reference” thread for us? Characters may move around the country at will, but should not make 180 degree shifts from previously described behavior w/o a really good reason (Let’s avoid the Dallas shower scene okay?) Humor is good, personal attacks bad. Tasteful lust (smoldering looks, like in the original Harlequin romances) is okay, Smut is bad. If a kid can’t read it don’t write it! The setting is Moseby’s as Our Characters reflect on the events that brought them all together. Have fun!

SUFFERING PINES -the Beginning

Jackie entered Mosby’s on the Friday night of the Middleburg Classic. The place was packed but over in the corner she spied her friends. As she slid in beside Muffy, Savannah and Vanessa, a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking they were related. They all had that “horsey” look.

It was hard to talk over the music and laughter but the girls managed. They hadn’t been together as a foursome since Devon, and so much had happened since then…

Jackie was just glad to be a part of the group. For years she’d been the outsider looking in unable to afford the quality of horse necessary to compete at this level. She had worked the circuit as a braider and catch rode occasionally. Until that sweet old Suffering Pines matron with more money than sense left her a pile, with a cryptic bequest:

“To Jackie O, I leave the rest of my fortune with this stipulation. That you find true love and show everyone how good true love is.”

That had been some years ago, and amazingly, she still had some money left. Her first order of business had been to buy a horse. After years on the circuit, she knew what she wanted. Finding it had been harder and a story in itself. But find it she had, a horse little girls dreamed of, who looked like…

It took very little time for Gerhard Roessel to confirm with the County Sherriff’s office that a horse fitting the description of the one now secreted in his auxiliary barn had been reported missing. The report had been filed by an Erik Highborne Booth.

Roessel frowned. The name was familiar. Yes, of course! He distinctly recalled meeting Booth at the Dublin Horse Show about seven years ago. He’d been very impressed with the younger man’s knowledge of horses and had spent a lovely evening with Booth and his fiance at a Dublin restaurant. Booth’s fiance had been equally delightful company. An up and coming international-level jumper rider, Lacey (he struggled unsuccessfully to recall her last name) was also a beauty.

Shortly after Dublin, Roessel had begun working on the DeutscheBank merger. An obsessive workaholic, he’d put the rest of his life aside for two years and had completely forgotten about the handsome pair whose company he had so enjoyed. Until now.

Roessel picked up the phone to ring Carleton Phipps again. Booth was obviously back in the states and in Virginia no less. And Carleton certainly would know where…

[This message has been edited by Razumny (edited 08-13-2000).]

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Inverness:
[B] . . . Erik Highborne Booth III. Jackie had known of Erik for many years; his uncanny ability to transform horses with dubious promise into successful show hunters and jumpers was legendary.

Nevertheless, Erik was a mystery to most. Somewhat reclusive and always unpredictable, ten years ago he had suddenly disappeared from the horse world. Some speculated that his heart had been broken; others that the money had run out due to mismanagement or circumstances more sinister. The truth remained buried, however, and everything about Erik’s demeanor suggested that inquiries about the past were unwelcome.

So, for reasons known only to himself, Erik had abandoned the horse world for ten years or more. But now he was back and was accepting clients at his new facility - and that fact was the only thing of any importance to Jackie.

Mosby’s was bustling that evening. Vanessa, who had stopped and started smoking more times than Jackie cared to think, exhaled a thin stream of bluish smoke and leaned forward on the table, obviously anxious to share a salacious piece of gossip . . .quote]_____________________________________________

…whether anyone wanted to hear it or not. Her eagerness suggested that she’d ferreted out something really juicy–enough to warrant the ceremonial drag on her ill-considered menthol light.

“Jackie…you still planning on moving Destiny to Highborne Farm?”

"You know I am, Vanny…why even ask?

“Well…you ought to know that you might be getting more than you bargained for with Erik.”

“I know all about the rumors, Vanessa…” Jackie sighed, “It’s old stuff.”

“Not this! Let’s just say a very reliable source at Devon told me that anyone training with him had better think twice–and have really good medical coverage!”

At this point, Savannah broke in, commanding attention with the soft southern lilt of her honey voice–and a well-placed kick under the table; “Vanessa, you hush up now, hear? Jackie doesn’t need to hear any of that!”

“Fine!” Vanessa shot back, “I won’t say another word about it–but don’t blame me if Jackie falls off the face of the earth the way Lacey Simmons did! If you recall, she disappeared from the circuit right around the same time as Erik! That’s all I’m going to say!” With that, she tamped out her wasted cigarette and immediately fired up another to accompany her silenced pout.

[This message has been edited by EquiMom (edited 08-08-2000).]

[quote: Kryswyn]…when who should walk in but…

…the Doyenne of Dirt–the Grande Dame of Dish–the Dauntless Desseminator of Disparaging Disclosure! Yes! Like a cumbersome float in her very own Suffering Pines Founders’ Day Parade, in huffed Letitia Pennington-Welch…followed by her ever-present coterie of servile sycophants. It appeared that their only job in life was to agree with her–and at this, they excelled. In return, they remained largely immune from her vitiolic attacks–as long as they stuck with the program.

Carleton, ever the gentleman, greeted her deferentially, smiling warmly to offset his ill-disguised amusement; “Letitia…ladies!” he nodded, as she waddled her way to the bench provided for patrons of Cabin Branch to take the proverbial load off, “So nice to see you…!”

It wasn’t long before she launched into the ‘Destiny debacle’ as she referred to the doings at Highborne.

“Carelton, I cannot tell you how many times people have gone running around like chickens without heads–when all they had to do was simply ask–me! In any matters pertaining to the last word–I know whereof I speak! But will these hapless fools simply say, Letitia, help me? No! So now I say, they get what they deserve!”

Come, come, Letitia…" Carleton said, taking the old dowager’s bejewelled hand, “would you dismiss me as summarily as that, too?”

Letitia softened, coyly inviting him to tease the information fairly dancing on the tip of her tongue; “I would not,” she said, conspiratorially, “Only for you, Carleton! I could be persuaded to tell! What do you want to know? You need only ask!”

What followed was an amazing tale of duplicity, deceit and damning disclosure.

First, the duplicity involved the parties privy to the parentage of the horse(s) in question.

Secondly, the deceit involved the calculated perpetuation of the confusion–as to the ‘who’ and ‘why’ of the multiple identities–both human and equine!

And thirdly, the disclosure of many of the parties implicated would, indeed, be damning! But the kicker was in just who would be damned!–A select few could fairly be considered innocents–and merely caught up in the swirl of fraud, unwitting!

“So you mean to tell me that there were twin colts born?” Carleton gasped, “To a single broodmare?”

“That’s usually the way twins of any sort are born, Carleton!” she sniffed, rather haughtily, “Yes, a very fine-lineaged English thoroughbred–a competition mare, imported for the express purpose of being bred to the stallion, Prevaricator!”

“How ironic…” Carleton observed, “even the sire’s name foreshadowed the events to follow!”

“Indeed!” she trilled, eagerly leaning in, “And the best part is that no one but the attending veterinarian–and the farm’s grooms–knew that two had been successfully delivered! The ‘surprise’ colt wasn’t really a surprise to the vet, at all! Oh, he’d known since early on–through the sonogram–that twins were on the way! It was then that he’d decided that if they were carried to term–and both lived–he would…shall we say…simply avail himself of one!”

Carleton’s cognitive reasoning was struggling to assimilate the rapid-fire information; “Letitia–which vet are we talking about, here?” he asked, fearing what the answer would be, “Are you saying it was…”

[This message has been edited by EquiMom (edited 08-15-2000).]

Erik and Jackie both turned to where Maribeth was standing holding Rex’s shank, eyes slightly narrowed while maintaining the magnolia smile of the true Southern Woman.

Erik hated it when his schedule went awry. Jackie was early, and he found it hard to concentrate on not one, but two women who brought Lacey’s ghost to haunt him.

Jackie, still new to the privileges money could bring, instantly backed down. “Oh, I am early! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interupt; your horse must be arriving today too.”

Sensing her advantage, Maribeth worked quickly to establish permanent domination that would ensure that Rex got the lion’s share of Erik’s attention, and perhaps drive this tacky golddigger back to the working class she’d unexpectedly risen from.

"That’s right sugah, and Rex is already pointed for Devon, so I’m sure you can understand that Erik and I need to review our training program, right now.

Although he’d spent the last seven years alone, Erik was not so dense that he couldn’t see the start of a potentially business damaging catfight. Ms. Charles had family money, Jackie was definitely “nouveau”. He made his decision quickly.

“Yes, that’s right. But Heath will help you get Destiny settled.” At his call, a tall well built young man came from the barn. Rugged, certainly, handsome? Well, if you could see past the terrible facial scars. He looked at Jackie and mumbled something which sounded like “Fa La La?” but clearly was supposed to be ‘follow me’. What’s up with him Jackie wondered. He sort of looked like that TV actor who action series was cancelled when a offscreen tantrum by his costar resulted in his death. At least Jackie thought he died. It had been years ago…

Everyone was crowded into the tack room. With Erik, Jackie, Carleton, Heath, Kelly, Ruth and SO Trask ‘crowded’ was the operative word. Especially since Whiskey, Erik’s huge Maine Coon Cat was sitting in the big armchair and with narrowed yellow eyes dared anyone to move him. Kelly, believing herself to be loved by cats as much as she loved them matter of factly scooped Whiskey up and sat down with the startled feline in her lap. She completely missed the collective indrawn breath of the room’s other occupants. Someone must have blocked Kelly’s view of the posted sign: Warning- Protected by Attack Cat. But Whiskey, shuddering at the familiarity of this, this, stranger merely jumped stiff-legged to the floor and stalked off in search of a tack trunk to sharpen his claws on.

Erik passed around glasses of Scotch to everyone except the security guard who politely declined. “Alright,” he began, “Let’s see if we can make some sense of this, shall we? Kelly, what can you tell us about True Love? No detail is too small. I promise you,” he smiled charmingly at the new boarder, “we, in turn, will explain what we know.”

“Which is damn little,” Carleton said sotto voce to anyone who could hear.

Kelly looked at the faces surrounding her. They expressed hope, cyncism, resignation, and simple curiousity. She began hesitantly but gained confidence from the kindly looks Erik continued to give her.

"Well, my ex, Donald got him somehow. He was a farrier. He didn’t tell me too much about ‘how’ he got him, I assumed it was in lieu of payments, but he did tell me as much as he knew about him. I was still waiting for Sailor to arrive, so I was looking for something to ride, and Donnie brought him home one day. He told me he was 6 years old, had belonged to Mrs. Evers-Oftinhead and when she died, the family didn’t want him. His dam was a Rhinelander event horse who was imported just to be bred to a TB stallion named “Liar Liar”.

Here Carleton and Jackie traded looks. The Prevaricator, Carleton mouthed silently to Jackie. She nodded.

"I could never find him in the Stallion Issue of the Chronicle, but he was supposed to be really nice. Anyway, the dam died, and someone had a nurse mare so he was raised away from Mrs. Evers-Oftinhead’s farm. He received some good training somewhere and he’s been shown in some hunter division.

Heath broke his silence, “Bright flame?”

Kelly looked at him in confusion, “Pardon?”

Jackie interpreted, “What name. What name did he show under?”

"Oh, why didn’t he say so? The name on the Coggins was “Incognito”. Again she was startled by the amused chuckling that broke out among her listeners. “Whattt?”

“How long have you had him, Kelly?” asked Erik with a quelling glare at the others. About a year, I guess. Donald split about six months ago. Went out for the proverbial pack of cigarettes, never came back. Funny, I didn’t think we were having THAT much trouble." Kelly look around the room. “That’s about it. That’s all I know. What’s your story?”

Carleton began. “Six years ago, two foals were born to a Rhinelander mare that was bred to both The Prevaricator and English Lord .”

“What!” the room exploded in unison.

“Sure,” said Carleton, "It’s just hit me, but that’s got to be what happened. Because I remember a non-TB mare that came in to be bred to English Lord, that had to be bred and shipped out again right away. I can’t remember why it was so important, but she was covered once, and left the next day.

"The following year she came back to be bred again with only one foal at her side. I think when she was foaled out Dr. Mangelove took the second foal as his “take” for something and left the other which came to Gitcheegoomie with his dam. That, I believe, is the foal that really is “True Love” because that is the one Mrs. Evers-Oftinhead fell for when she was visiting Fiona Ford.

[This message has been edited by Kryswyn (edited 08-17-2000).]

Heath stepped away from the worried circle hovering around Jackie. Feeling like a peripheral character in a bad soap opera. he suppressed the urge to laugh out loud at the irony attached to his self-deprecating observation–and exited the scene.

He decided to drive up the road to wait for the police, and hopped into his old pick-up. As he crunched along the winding drive, it suddenly occurred to him that–as the old theatre saying goes–there are no small parts…only small actors. With the sort of willful abandon that had once earned him applause, he revved up the engine and sped down the highway, following the same direction that the trespassers had taken.

Just as he was wondering what he’d hoped to accomplish with this exercise in futility–for surely, they were long gone–he saw the trailer! It had veered off into the soft shoulder. The truck was oddly angled–and the trailer was agape and empty of its living cargo.

Heath screeched to a halt. Jumping down, he inspected the perimeter for signs of the horse thieves; no one.

Then a sound far off in the adjacent open field caught his attention. He squinted in disbelief at what he saw. Two furiously animated figures were running–chasing, in fact–after the fleeing force of nature that was Jackie’s horse!

Without thinking–for there was no time for that–Heath raced for the pick-up. Gunning the old engine to life, he lurched the truck into the field, driving a barrier between Destiny and his abductors. As he’d hoped, they turned tail and ran. What he hadn’t thought about was what he did next. If he had, he might not have attempted it. Rushing headlong into the terrified stallion’s path, he raised his arms and abruptly rooted his feet into a standstill.

“Whoa, boy…easy now…” Heath heard the soothing sing-song of his own voice in the detached manner of the insane…for that is exactly what he deemed himself to be.

Fully expecting to be trampled, he nevertheless held his ground. Amazingly, Destiny’s pounding, turf-churning stride diminished to a trot as he circled around the crazy-man-with-the-reassuring-voice.

Blowing and snorting, Destiny finally came to a stop, with his flaring nostrils just inches from Heath’s face. He even allowed the stranger’s hands to wander over his heaving, sweat-sleek flank. Heath tentatively loosened his belt, freeing it to serve as a make-shift leadshank. All that remained was getting it run through the halter. If that could be accomplished, Act One of the unfolding drama would play to a standing ovation back at the farm. Getting there was going to be the fun part–if only Heath could manage to…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by creseida:

As they walked away from the barn, they could hear the low nickers picking right up where they left off, interspersed with low snuffles and woofs. Mama Evie smiled. She loved a good gossip session, and knew this one was going to be a doozey. She wondered what dirt would be dug up and spread around and about whom. These horses knew something important, and she was determined to find out what that was.

Jackie, Evie, Heath, and the variety of dogs started walking on a path that would take them around the barn within about fifteen minutes.

Evie began asking some questions about the personalities of the horses, most which Heath answered in his usual mumble. Evie seemed to understand his mumbling, so Jackie took the time to think about the events of the past few days. Why did this happen to me? Why did this have to happen at all?

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as she saw Vanessa walking up the drive, and she realized they had already gotten to the front of the barn. She looked at Vanessa, who was wearing the expression she always wore when she was going to tell you something she really didn’t want to say. The group halted, and Vanessa approached them. There was a long moment of awkward silence.

“Out with it, Vanessa,” Jackie said. “I know you want to say something, just say it and get it over with!”

Vanessa sighed, and began to speak. "I… I have something to confess…

With the approach of the fall season, so comes the preparation for the Indoor shows. Although Destiny isn’t qualified, Jackie continues working hard with her horse, and with Erik. Still, she cannot shake the nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right about Destiny. If she could only put her finger on it.

The medical report that Dr. Thompson had given her still weighed heavy on her mind. An allergic reaction. Why had someone used black dye to conceal Destiny’s white sock from her? When had it been done? Was it before she’d bought him? Who did it? The answers were out there, with Coverall man.

The cooler fall weather brought on the growing in of winter coats, and with the new hair came the appearance of a full white sock extending up above the fetlock on Destiny’s left fore. The small star on Destiny’s forehead grew a comet’s tail, which curved down towards his muzzle. Oddly enough, there had been no reaction to the dye on his face. Perhaps it was the use of the Bickmore’s White Liniment, combined with the dye on his legs that had caused the blistering.

Heath avoided Jackie completely these days. Jackie wondering about Heath’s involvment, vowed to get to the bottom of the goings on, which is why she invited him to Mosby’s with the rest of the troup…

[This message has been edited by creseida (edited 08-09-2000).]