"Suffering Pines - The Beginning"

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by devildog20:
…There were many other pictures, depicting True Love’s whole life, from the time with his mare, to the time her ex died. Every show, every move that horse made was documented, his sire and dam, their blood work papers, all vet records even down to worming and shots, every breeding, every farrier visit. Everything this horse did was documented on paper. She had always thought that a bit odd, and now it was starting to make sense…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, now she remembered reading about the possible scandal…oh about 7 years ago. It was quickly denounced as material suitable only for the National Inquisitor gossip rag. Maybe it wasn’t just a rumour afterall? Well 7 years, less one year for gestation…Yes, that would make the timing perfect. Kelly was now almost positive that her horse was part of a very costly genetics experiment. Private backers had put in huge amounts of money into this breeding for a genetically perfect horse, that could be reproduced in quantity. The group wanted to be able to “create” horses with specific characteristics, and specific tasks, and get it right every time. The staged “breeding” to Gitchiegoomie was the front for empregnating the dam with genetically enginnered embryos. The mare had been placed on fertility medicines to ensure that she held the breeding. The result was the twins; not identical, but fraternal.

True Love and Destiny were the first results of these experiments, and there were some in the industry who would rather no one knew them for what they were. This was the reason for the extensive record keeping.

With the genetically engineered horse, there would be no more “guessing” about what you’ll get when you breed this stallion to this mare. Unfortunately, this would be devastating to the majority of breeding operations, especially those with expensive syndicated stallions that were not yet proven in the breeding shed. There were many who did not want to see these horses become successful.

The “dear old lady” who left Jackie her fortune was actually a very shrewd business woman. She amassed her fortune by quietly taking her cut of the multi-millions of dollars that had been poured into her company’s underground genetics program, by greedy individuals in the Thoroughbred Racing Industry. People so greedy they were hoping their millions would allow them to “create” the Next Man o’ War or Secretariat.

This was why it was also so important that as a codicile of Mrs. Evers-Oftinhead’s will, True Love had to prove himself a National Champion. Once she realised that her lymphoma was malignant and inoperable, she went about ensuring that her Company would continue on, but knew they’d need the proof of their success. This would allow the “Company” to solicit more money from the TB industry and beyond, and why no one would in the Company would begrudge a mere $22,000,000 to a nice simple girl like Jackie. Afterall, the return on their investments would be in the billions. The money was Mrs. Evers-Oftinhead’s insurance policy that the fruits of their labours would be exposed for all the world to see.

But Jackie was not the only one who had received money to ensure that the horse was a success…

[This message has been edited by creseida (edited 08-30-2000).]

her. Life was complicated enough and if Jackie had ever taken the time to put two and two together, she might have realized she was in great danger. But she was relatively new to this game and it hadn’t occured to her that the horse world might be saturated with unsavory characters who played only for the money.

Fortunately for her, Carleton Phipps was a man who understood it all too well. He’d cut his teeth watching family members booze it up, insure horses, kill them off, lose the family fortune… He was recognized by some of the horsey set, but mostly he was just an unobtrusive observer; people weren’t very careful about what they said or did when they thought no one was watching. And he had been very interested in events as they pertained to Jackie. Carleton Phipps was like an old dog; once he chose to look out for you, that was that. Fiona Ford could certainly attest to that and Jackie would soon find out just how valuable a friend she was to have in the strong and silent type.

Her initial interest in Heath, had transformed into paranoia. His behavior regarding her ever changing horse was beyond suspicious. And she was certain he was privy to the strange happenings involving Vanessa, from the unbelievable catch ride to the gun shot fired just moments before. She felt like an outsider; even though she could afford to live like the old money and was tolerated in the best (or worst) of company, she knew she was viewed down the slope of perfectly constructed noses with disdain and oft times jealousy. As the events of the past months and the evening sunk in, she felt quite weak because it dawned on her that she was unwittingly involved in something sinister. She didn’t know the rules or even what the game was. She did know that the horse she’d been calling Destiny was in all probability not the horse she had purchased; and while she couldn’t be sure, she had more than a sneaking suspicion that whatever trouble Vanessa was involved in, was about to come knocking at her door.

She headed for the bar and ordered a double malt Scotch. Carleton followed and took a seat beside her. His concern was genuine, his intentions, honest; his next words, a surprise to even himself.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Squirt:
And then the ambulance pulled in about 5 minutes later…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jackie pulled the horse out of the stall as the ambulance pulled up and put him in cross ties. Then she went back to the stall to watch. Vannie and Danny stood with her.

The attendents rushed around the stall, putting Savannah on a stretcher, taking her pulse, checking her vitals. She was whisked away and loaded onto the ambulance.

Jackie walked around the stall looking for clues, even though she knew it was doubtful she would find anything. But Savannah wouldn’t just collapse in her stall. And why was Muffy mysteriously in the stall with her when it happened?

Jackie kicked a pile of shavings in her thought. A small glass bottle hit the wall. Jackie bent over and looked at the bottle and let out a gasp.

“Its Ace,” she whispered. “And look, here’s the needle.”

“Oh my God Jackie. You’re joking right? You don’t think Muffy…”

“Don’t touch anything Jackie,” said Vannie. “Fingerprints and stuff you know.”

“Right. Danny, you find Muffy. Vannie call the police. And I’ll call the hospital. God only knows how much she used!”

“WHERE IS THAT WOMAN!?” screamed Danny.

“Right here,” said Muffy clearly as she walked out of the stall across the aisle holding a loaded gun. Following close behind her was Heath…

Meanwhile, Savannah was struggling with her loyalties. Jackie was, afterall, her friend, but some things were more important then friendship - like her life. After all she didn’t want to end up like Vanessa. So Savannah lay low, avoiding Jackie and spending more and more time at the other farm she frequented, in Northern Virgina. Under the protelege of a young rising star trainer Hillside Farms could easly be the next ’ top barn ’ of the A circuit and Savannah wanted to be there to see it happen. In addition, she was considering purchasing a top class new hunter from one of the trainers at a nearby barn, thus Savannah spent less and less time in Suffering Pines.

On afternoon, while driving the 20 miles from the barn to the country house she owned in Northern Virgina, her car stalled out along the road. “Dammit!” She muttered under her breath. She was supposed to run home, get dressed, and meet one of the local trainers about a critical horse deal. Being late would be a sure way to make the deal run sour. She reached for her cell phone and tried to dial - only to realize that the number was out of service. Savannah sighed, and realized exactly how deserted the road she was on was. It could be HOURS before anyone passed by. So she decided to walk down the road towards a gas staion she knew was a few miles down.

An hour later Savannah was truly lost, and had no idea where she was going. She wasn’t even sure where her car was in fact. She frowned. She saw a dirt road, and turned on it, thinking it might lead her to a house where she could use the phone. She turned down the road and found herself walking uphill into a very hilly section of woods. Then she heard two sounds - a man’s voice, yelling, followed by the sickening crack of a whip. Then she heard the most terrifying sound of all - a horse’s desperate cry. Forgetting her oringal intetions, Savannah crept towards the sounds, and found herself at the entrance to a small rocky cave. Parked nearby was a red rusted out pickup truck, with the doors left open half hazardly. She was uncertain whether to call out for help, investigate further, or tur and walk back towards the main roads. She took a deep breath and…

I’m way too confused!!!

Roessel’s actions would have come as no surprise to anyone who really knew him. An eminently successful banker and financier, Roessel was not ordinarily given to unscheduled changes in plan, particularly those with financial consequences attached - unless the welfare of one of his beloved animals were involved. His friends joked that Roessel would fly through a hurricane to close a deal provided it was not during foaling season.

A steady drizzle met Roessel as he left the main house and headed to the barn to check on the horse. Austin, a five year old flat-coated retriever, sensing fun and games and relieved to see the dreaded suitcases still at the door, flew to Roessel’s side.

It was extremely lucky to have found Ms. Ford without much delay. She had sounded terribly anxious about the horse. Odd, though, that she hadn’t mentioned a name. Even more curious, she’d intimated that the horse had gone missing only yesterday. If that were the case, why was such a remarkable animal in such poor condition? The scratches and cuts on the horse’s legs and head could be explained. The malnourishment was another matter, however.

His suspicions now sufficiently aroused, Roessel determined that he would find a reason to delay returning the horse to Ms. Ford. He needed time to do a little digging on his own . . .

[This message has been edited by Inverness (edited 08-10-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Inverness (edited 08-10-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Inverness:
[/B]She knew that she would have to draw on that same determined will now . . .

Savannah tried to sit up, but felt her head swimming. “Stupid me,” she thought. “I left my phone in the car.” But then she remembered that there was no signal. She would have to remember to get a new phone company when she got back.

“First things first. I have to sit up. I am GOING to sit up” she said outloud. Savannah sat up. “Now, I am going to stand up. It isn’t going to hurt.” Savannah stood up, but the pain was almost unbearable. This was going to take a lot of work…

Three hours later it was completely dark. Savannah looked at her watch. It was 10:27. “Well,” she thought with a sigh, “at least its not hot.” She had walked only about a mile, but the scenery was still the same. Woods on each side, with deep underbrush. Savannah was not at all tempted to go see what creatures emerged from the woods at dark. The thought alone sent a shiver down her spine, which in turn made her almost collapse with pain.

But Savannah wasn’t a quitter. She was going to make it.

Were those lights on the horizon? Was that Middleburg?

It was way too early Saturday morning. She’d not slept well, the final statement of the previous night’s phone call twisted and turned in her mind all night long. Per the directive she’d received at 3 am, she had to get up at o’dark thirty to prepare the horse for the next leg of his journey.

With an unexpected sense of relief, Diane had seen to the transfer of Destiny into the hands of the next caretaker. He was well on his way to who knows where, and at this point, to who cares where. As she was preparing for her return journey to her farm in Middleburg, she heard a heavy vehicle drive up. Stepping out of the tan horse van was another of the Voice’s goons. Great, now what?!

With the characteristic big sunglasses and dark jumpsuit of his position in the heirarchy, Agent RD-2 approached Diane.

“I’m Here for the horse,” he stated.
“Whaa…?” But…but…h-he left here about 30 minutes ago," stammered out Diane.
“You let him go without asking for verification from the collector?” RD-2’s face grew very dark under his shades.
“You do realise, of course, that you have jeopardised everything with your carelessness,” reminded RD-2
“B-b-but-t-t I-yi…uh was so tired. The long drive down here. I couldn’t sleep.”
“You have run out of excuses”, and with that, he pulled out a Sig Sauer 9mm with a silencer, and pumped 5 rounds into the shocked Diane. RD-2 felt her carotid, and detected nothing.

Dragging her body to the barn, RD-2 quickly builds a cairn of hay bales and conceals the body. He turns out the lights, and leaves, pulling the sliding door closed.

Pulling out the wireless, he hits the programmed number. “Ms. Amos has made a… fatal…error. The horse is not here.”
"Return to quarters. We’ll contact our connections and plan accordingly. <click>

…the gods of conformation had gathered together to create a template for perfection. That perfection was realized in the magnificent bay thoroughbred she now called her own. And as if his beauty weren’t enough to stop the heart, he had the mind and movement to match. Their pairing promised a path to everything that she’d always yearned for–but that had seemed so unattainable. At last, the fragments of her girlish dreams were coming together. All that was needed was the trainer that would take them to the top. Someone who could make it all happen–someone with a name. He came to her in the person of…

[This message has been edited by EquiMom (edited 08-08-2000).]

Austin, Gerhard Roessel’s five year old flat-coated retriever, overheard the entire conversation. Looking at his master as one would a small child, he sighed and wondered at how long it took humans to figure things out.

Days ago, he’d gotten it on good authority from a Foxhound who knew a Dalmation who’d heard it from a Jack Russell Terrier near Charlottesville, that a horse had been stolen from Highborne farm. “If only humans would learn to listen to and understand ‘The Midnight Barking’ instead of trying to shush us up, they might learn something.” With that parting thought, Austin padded away to find an uncovered water bowl in one of the home’s six bathrooms…

[This message has been edited by Razumny (edited 08-13-2000).]

QUOTE: LOUISE “her eyes were drawn to …”

The group of three in the opposite corner. Jackie wondered to herself why Carleton had not stopped to speak or even acknowlege Fiona. It was common knowledge that Fiona’s largesse had financed Carleton’s success and that Carleton managed one of Fiona’s properties and several of her best breeding stallions. And why would he so deliberately have looked in her direction - what could that have meant?

Shaking her head, Jackie decided she was being silly and quickly dismissed Carleton’s backward glance from her mind. “Don’t be ridiculous” she thought to herself.

Vanessa, still pouting, crinkled her nose in distaste and shot an expertly formed smoke ring at the departing Carleton. “I’m telling you Jackie-O, he’s past his prime.”

Jackie nodded in mock assent. There was no point in arguing with Vanessa when she’d passed judgement on a man.

But Vanessa’s comment about Erik continued to nag at her. However crass and unthinking Vanessa’s opinions might be, where Destiny’s well-being was concerned, she would not take any chances. Jackie determined to talk with Savannah about it later. If there was even a grain of truth in Vanessa’s scurrilous remarks she was determined to know.

[This message has been edited by Inverness (edited 08-08-2000).]

. . . Dr. Mangeglove??? Letitia pursed her thin lips together in a smug, all-knowing attitude. “I’m sure I can’t say, my dear. And I certainly would never speculate on such a matter. My only point is that I might have rendered some assistance had I been consulted at the beginning of this tiresome debacle.” With that invitation, Letitia abruptly dismissed Carleton with a refined huff/head-toss combination punch and strode off, entourage in tow . . .

But Jackie quickly dismissed the idea that it was the same man. After all, the story HAD been all over the place. Jackie had even watched the funeral, broadcasted on a large cable broadcasting netwook. It simply couldn’t be the same man, she thought as she followed Heath down the aisle.

Heath opened the door to the large, spacious tack room and ushered Jackie inside. It smelled pleasantly of the high quality leather that lined the walls. He pointed out an empty bridle and saddle rack and an open space where she could place her tack trunk and left. Jackie followed him out and led the way down to her trailer, where all her tack was stowed.

She grabbed her new Delgrange and Edgewood while Heath lowered her Warner into a wheelbarrow. They made their way back up to the tack room and quickly placed the tack in the proper place. Heath left, murmering something about Vetrolin and poultice. Jackie poked around for a while, as was her habit, before leaving the room. But as she stepped forward to open the door, she noticed something truly disturbing…

to get the horse to the van. But his quiet demeanor and soft mummerings were almost mystically soothing to the frightened TB. It was the reason Erik had kept him on when his horribly scarred face had sickened more than one wealthy client. Before you could say “Ready on the Set” Destiny was loaded and Heath, remembering his mis-spent youth on the streets, hot wired the van and headed back to Highborne Farm.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jenn:
Vanessa sighed, and began to speak. "I… I have something to confess…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

“Well what is it?” asked Jackie impatiently.

“I…I…I know where your horse…Destiny… is…or at umm…at least I used to,” said Vanessa with a stutter.

“Well so do we Vannessa. He’s right here,” said Erik.

“What do you mean?” asked Vannessa. “Muffy won’t be pleased…Oh sh*t!”

“What was that Vannessa?” asked Jackie. “Did you just say Muffy? As in Muffy Hardfelt?”

“Yes…I mean no! Definetly not Muffy Hardfelt…I said Muffy, I mean Duffy…My farrier’s name is Duffy!” she stammered.

“But Vannie, I distinctly heard you say Muffy. Now what would our dear Muffy have to do with Destiny?” asked Jackie.

“Well…I mean…Absolutly nothing!,” said Vanessa. “Muffy is in umm New Jersey!”

“Now Vannie, we know thats not true, I saw Muffy yesterday,” said Erik. “Do tell us how Muffy is involved. I’m sure we’re all terribly interested”…

Jackie was certain Heath knew why Destiny’s markings had been altered, it was the only logic reason he would have wanted to keep her from calling Doctor Thompson, why else would he have objected? With top show horses is was certainly common enough to have vets check them over before they competed - after all an injury could become serious if ignored. So obviously there had been some reason he hadn’t wanted the horse’s markings revealed. But now they were growing out - did that mean Heath and whoever else was behind this had simply accepted that whatever plan they had had failed? Or where they merely bidding their time?

Jackie tried constantly to push these thoughts from her mind, but she couldn’t shake this lingering feeling that something was wrong about Destiny and the stable. Furthermore why was Heath avoiding her and her horse?

She decided to do a little research of her own, hoping that in the casual atmosphere or Moseby’s, after a few drinks, that perhaps Heath would unwind and revel something to her.

So there they were sitting at Moseby’s. They had started out being with a group of people, Vanessa (who strangely enough never had explained her connections with Riveredge), Savannah, Muffy, and their various admirers. But as the night advanced after a bit of whipsering and nudging, Jackie and Heath found themselves alone in a booth. Heath kept trying to catch Jackie’s eye and she felt rather uncomfortable - this was a man who she had reason to believe might put her horse in danger - yet at the same time she had to admit he was everything she might have otherwise enjoyed in a man - good looking, intelligent, and horse wise as well. As she raised her drink to her lips, Heath slipped and arm around her shoulders. “Jackie…” he whispered in her ear “Do you know how long I’ve had my eye on you?” He pulled her close and inside Jackie was screaming - part of her trying to push away out of his arms and the other part wanting to be pulled closer and never leave. She took a deep breath and…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Paige:
… and the FBI agent pulls Carleton off to the side. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

“Mr. Phipps? I understand you work for Fiona Ford. Is that true?”

“Yes, it is,” replied Carleton.

“Well do you have any reasons as to why Fiona might suspect this Muffy?”

“Oh yes, they’ve been hating each other for years. Mostly because Muffy beat Fiona with her horse for AHSA Horse Of The Year a few years back. But she didnt’ do it honestly-if she had, Fiona wouldn’t have minded. Muffy bribbed her judges and drugged her horse. Fiona doesn’t bend the rules at all, and she didn’t appreciate Muffy’s doing so.”

“Oh, I see,” said Muldoon. “Well, do you have any idea of where we could find Muffy at this time?”

"Yes, I do actually. I’d bet you anything she’s showing at Culpepper this weekend. And I have the perfect coverup…

{Krsywn-we’re getting Jackie to a show! Yay!}

As Coverall Man pulls into the narrow hidden entrance, the headlights cast a baleful glow upon Destiny’s stone prison. Through the fog, he cannot be sure of what he is seeing.

Suddenly, reality hits him like a ton of bricks. His body is quickly drenched in a cold sweat, and he begins to shake uncontrollably.

“No…it can’t be…how could…oh, noooo…”

Kelly was walking around the show grounds, and happened to look into the barn where all the comotion was going on. She noticed something didn’t seem right, so she snuck up for a closer look.

“Yes, kiddies, your right. Savannah had a ‘terrible’ accident with that Ace. But, no one needs to know about that do they?”

Muffy clearly was acting psychotic, her hair was a mess, and her makeup was smeared.

“You all thought you could beat me. Well you can’t. I want to win more than anything in the world. My mom won this show, my sister, and now it’s my turn. Jackie, you little witch, you think that just because you have a ton of money now, you can beat me? Well sweetie, your times up. Wasn’t it fun playing ‘dress up’? Ha! Well, this gun has a silencer on it, and no one will even hear you scream. Heath, tie them up.”

“Stop it right there.” said a voice from behind.

Muffy turned around to see 15 men with M16’s pointed at her. She, being the chicken she always was, dropped the gun immediatly.

“Hold your hands above your heads… both of you!” Said the samw SWAT team member that had talked earlier.

Heath and Muffy held there hands up, and two of the men walked over and frisked them. Five more bottles of ACE were found on Muffy, as well as some other major sedatives. Heath was found to have a large knife and a stun gun.

“I didn’t mean to! Jackie, I’m sorry! I love you Jackie! You don’t understand, Muffy made me do it! She threatend me and has had my daughter and wouldn’t give her up unless I did what she said! Please believe me, I never meant to hurt anyone!” Said Heath, crying as he was taken away. Followed by “My daughter, my daughter, what about my daughter?”

“Are you guys Ok?” Asked Kelly as she walked toward everyone.

Jackie fell to her knees and started crying.

“Come on Jackie, this is no time to cry! Come on, we are showing tomorrow, and you’re going to kick some butt! And Salior is going to think he has died and gone to heaven, even if we don’t win anything, I know you and True Love will win. And another thing, if you lose all the money that you were given, no big deal! I will have unlimited funds, and will sponser you all the way to the Olympics if you’d like! I will pay for everything horse related, saddles, boots, horses, whatever you want! Just let me know!”

Jackie looked up at Kelly. “Really?” She said through her tears, “You would do that, for me?”

“Of course! I have nothing better to do with all that money anyway, and from what I have seen, you are very talented! I inherit everything, with no stipulations or anything! When my grandfather died eons ago, he made an unchangeable will that left everything to me when I turn 24. Well, guess what! I am 24 in 16 days! My grandmother sure hates it, but there is nothing she or anyone else can do. My grandfather was totally sound of mind and wrote the will before he even got sick.” Said Kelly happily.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ben & Me:
Carleton’s warning was playing on Jackie’s mind that night, as she tossed and turned. Where was the real Destiny? Was that him back at Highbourne, or elsewhere? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The thought haunted her mind. She decided she had to find out. She called Dr. Thompson again and had him do bloodwork on the horse to see if the blood samples would match those drawn during the pre purchase exam.

Dr. Thompson came out and drew the samples. He too, was suspicious, and promised to call Jackie was soon as he knew. Then the call came.

“Jackie? It’s Lock Thompson here.”
“Yes, do you have the results.”
“Yes, they’re rather interesting. I think I ought to meet you in person to review them. Can you come to my office.”
"Good. I’ll see you in fifteen miuntes:

Jackie was a nervous wreck as she drove to the office. Thompson met her at the door. “Come in” He said. “I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

Jackie sat down on the sofa and looked at him expectantly. “Yes?”

“First off all the bloodtypes don’t match. The markings should have tipped us off to the fact that something was wrong. Second, I found large amounts of mood altering drugs in his system - ace for example, and cocaine, and god knows what else is there that my tests can’t trace. Alot of those designer drugs…”
Thompson’s voice trailed off. “Jackie, I think you’re in over your head.”

Jackie was speechless. Her beloved horse was missing - and had been replaced by a horse whose system was chock full of drugs - who would have tested positive at any show. Who could be out to hurt her? Or was someone trying to get to Erik through her? After all if the horse drug tested positive, as Trainer, Erik would be liable.

“What do I do now?” Jackie wondered allowed…