Suggestions for Finding a Good Western-Trained QH in Virgina/Maryland/WV

OK, just putting this out there in the chance that you guys can steer me in the right direction…

I am looking for a quiet Western-trained QH. What I’m thinking is something along the lines of a barrel, cutting, or reining dropout. Or any other suggestions. It is really hard to find a horse with this temperament and foundation in my area (thats sound and not geriatric). I have contacted some trainers that were recommended on this forum, and hoping something might turn up. But apparently everyone wants this type of horse, and they are few and far between. Thanks.

What exactly are you looking to do with said horse? And what is your price range?


My husband and I plan on doing a little bit of everything, aka trail riding, judged pleasure rides, tiny jumps, basic flatwork, maybe a team penning clinic for beginners, etc. So the horse must have a laid back “go anywhere do anything” personality, verses particular skills and disciplines. From what I have seen, a good solid ranch type horse goes for 5k to 7k.

Suzette Bizzaro in Barnesville, MD.

Try Christie Britt at Bit-By-Bit Farm in Suffolk VA

Find a local cutting horse trainer at the link below and see if they have a cutter, who won’t quite make it as a show horse, or a “using horse” for sale.

thanks guys for excellent recommendations. A using horse would be perfect. I saw an awesome using horse a few years ago, only 4 years old with the mind of a 24-year old, for only 5k…how i wish i could go back in time and snatch him up!!! Hindsight can be so depressing…

If you are willing to drive to PA I would suggest checking out Evergreen Farm in Wrightsville PA and Jason Charles in New Oxford PA.

You have a PM.

Thanks everyone, i have followed up with the recommended people. I couldn’t find any contact info for Suzette Bizzaro.

Any other recommendations?

Try David Beard at the Sevens Ranch just outside Frederick MD…240-818-6514

Are you willing to expand your search in VA or PA? I can highly recommend talking to these folks.

We are in pa but have a 4 year old by Einstein who fits the bill. Super quiet, reining broke, will look at a cow.

Okay TheHunterKid90, you cannot put up posts like that with no pictures or video!!!

You could try horse for sale sites, like or Dream Horse.

This is our boy. Video is him out of the field after the winter off. No lunging. All you see is fresh footage. He’s obviously out of shape but such a good guy!

He is adorable HunterKid. If I were looking for a horse… Very nice!!!

Thanks cutter99! We adore him. You can teach lessons on him one day then trail ride the next, then take him down the fence the next!