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Suggestions for improving the aesthetics of the site?

Thank you Mod for showing me where the X was. I feel kinda dumb not seeing it. So, about the continuous scroll… There are many times when i wish to read the original post again. And many times when i just want to jump to the end. Very long discussions mean a lot of scrolling to accomplish either of these things…and if i want to read the OP, then go to the end …well, that’s double. Could there be a fast forward jump to top or ff jump to end button?

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Yep! We have several ways to do both of those things.

The thread slider tool will zoom you to the top of bottom.

Or, you can click the thread title to go to the top of the thread.

Or, you can use the keyboard shortcuts. Typing # when not in a reply window will pop up a box that allows you to enter a specific post number. Enter 1 to go to the top, or the last post number to go to the bottom.

All of the keyboard shortcuts are here:

If you want to go directly to the first or last post from the forum page, you can do that, too:

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An option for dark mode would be awesome. I prefer to use that in as many places as I can - much easier on the eyes than all the bright white.


I had totally forgotten we had that oldest version!

The reason things keep being able to be updated and life goes on, is because people tend to forget how different and “unusable” some of the previous upgrades were.

The color scheme of the last board was good. Not stark white. Off white/ecru/light sand/etc. I agree that I would probably not want gray unless it’s a warm gray, but also, gray would lead to a more monochromatic look with the black text, and IMHO having a different color would be easier on the eyes

I couldn’t care less about the avatar circles next to threads, as I ignore them, they don’t affect my decision to enter a thread, so whether they stay or go doesn’t matter to me.