Sunday Morning on CBS Triple Crown comments???

As to the comedy routine. The comedian may not know that there are really people out there who really believe what he joked.

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Overreacting to a comedic segment is giving the points raised in the segment extended life, and if racing is truly a big-league sport, it should be able to handle a little criticism without getting emotional about it.

– Jeremy Balan, online news editor and west coast reporter, The Blood Horse


I didn’t think it was particularly funny, but it was obviously a tongue in cheek piece. And I didn’t find it “not funny” because I was somehow offended, I think the jokes just fell flat, not my sense of humor. Hardly anything to get ones knickers in a twist over though.


I’m with you.


And Balan retweeted this from none other than Gaffigan:

I’m worried about you. You know these were jokes. I’m afraid you might be too fragile for this cruel world.


My point was, CBS Sunday Morning stories are rarely anything close to that kind of touchy humor, if any such by a comedian at all?

Maybe they just needed to fill some minutes and that was a handy extra short piece on hand in their shelves, since this is the race week, who knows.

In another place, sure, there, strange, that’s all.

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Maybe some people don’t get satire. Or they’re too thin skinned. Or, heavens, Gaffigan is a mole for animal rights groups.


For the record, cbs Sunday morning has often done satirical spoofs. This was a favorite on Martha Stewart’s wreaths. Bill geist. Even Stewart thought it was hilarious.


You must not watch the show. They do something like this almost every week. They’re hardly ever doing hard news reporting. It’s mostly human interest.

Since when is an opinion piece held to ‘journalistic standards’ and required to offer both sides?


OMG the media is picking on something I like!!! The sky is falling!! Everybody! Gather your undie bundles!! Tie up your knicker knots. WE MUST BE OFFENDED!!!


OMG I remember watching that back in 1996!

Come on AB. Is continuing to poke really necessary?

And others as well, your feelings toward the OP in the political forum are no secret, why bring it out here and carry on. It gets old.


Here it is and he apparently doesn’t “like” skiing either


I think he is pretty funny and I can’t believe their is such an uproar about this on the horse racing sites. All you need to do is search for his gigs- they are all the same vein. He doesn’t really like anything! HA!

Has the world forgotten what good satire is?


But it is all over horse racing sites as well. It is not as if the OP is the only one who doesn’t seem to understand that this is this particular comedians trademark style.


As does unfounded b.s. and hyperbole. The OP often reminds, lectures and chastises the commentariat who holds an opposing view, of our responsibility for our content, if I am not mistaken.


Ha, let them have their fun.

If I would say what a wonderful day, the sun is shining, what a pretty rainbow?

Some would run around looking for some place it is raining buckets and hurry to post about it.
Then insist how can I say that is such a wonderful day, look here, buckets of rain, I tell you!
Then their friends would come running to bring their horrible weather offerings.
The internet can be crazy like that some times …

Anyway, yes, I have been watching those Sunday shows for many years and, of course they have nice humorous pieces.

What they don’t have is short, not very humorous pieces in the tone this one was.
That people that love horses would not be riding them is right out of animal rights extremist propaganda.
That should bring up questions with people on a forum about training and competing with horses, not wave of the hand dismissing such as some kind of funny.

The reason I brought it to the attention here is because it touched our horse world.

We will just have to agree to disagree again, nothing new there.


My point again, it is not the unfortunate comedian’s style, is the place his stitch was shoehorned into that is puzzling.

In some place with such comedic stuff, why not?

On the kind of Sunday Morning as it has been up to now, it sounded like an odd note.




I don’t know about ‘those’ shows, but this particular show does. Humor being the eye of the beholder, whether they are funny or not is up for debate every week. Jim Gaffigan is a regular, along with others. His schtick is pretty much the same every time. It is not supposed to be journalism, nor is it supposed to reflect both sides.


I really shocked at the outrage over this on twitter. Jim Gaffigan is on CBS Sunday morning frequently…with the same kind of humor. It’s nothing unusual…