I have a wee mule that my farrier and I believe has issues with potential arthritis or some other general joint issue. He’s definitely got one leg that bothers him on occasion, and I sometimes hear clunking in his hips when he moves a certain way. His stifles will occasionally lock. He does move soundly but he wears his hind hooves in a way that makes my farrier and I believe he’s adjusting for pain.
He’s coming up on 10 years old but he had a rough time in his early life and he was literally manhandled at an auction facility that has a very bad reputation. He’s small at about 36" tall so previous people in his life just forced him to do things and he’s got an incredible memory for experiences - good and bad. As a result, he is extremely careful about what he will and will not accept from humans.
I’ve had Gunther for nine years and although he’s a bit better with a vet, it’s still impossible for my vet to do any exam of muscles or joints. I can palpate and examine, and my farrier can most of the time, but not any vet or vet student. Gunther is just too much on full alert with strangers and vets and he’s genuinely afraid and trying to protect himself at all costs. Think little grey flying elephant in full panic…
I would like to see if a supplement might help with general joint health but there are so many choices and I’m not sure what is the current go-to. I’ve used Cosequin in the past, but now there are several varieties of it. I have arthritis, so know that a lot of supplements are just a waste of money.
I’m hoping that someone might have a good recommendation of something that has worked for their horse, donkey or mule. Pellets work better than a powder because he gets very little feed and a powder is usually just left in the bowl.
Any supplement needs to be molasses-free because I’m managing Gunther as if he is metabolic. He’s on a small portion of low NSC feed and he gets Ultra Cruz Metabolic Support.
I would love to try a massage therapist for him but I highly doubt he’d let the person do the necessary work. It took six months for him to accept my farrier and that was with her coming out to do my mini mare and spending some time just talking to him.