Supplement to GROW dog hair? (grooming disaster)

My poor Tribble corgi suffered the worst grooming in the history of all dog-dom (and NO, I am not going to post any pictures.) Can anyone recommend any supplements that will help grow her fur faster??? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

:lol: Sunscreen needed? :lol:

Moving on. Ask the poodle people! Here is a search result.

Silica, fish oil, Nature’s Farmacy Dogzymes Ultimate and Gro-hair, theracoat, show stopper, Hair on a Doorknob, Mirracoat, Royal Jelly, Dreamcoat,biotin and prozyme, etc. Some are diet supplements, some are topical.

This is the ‘Hair on a Doorknob’ recipe:

1 lb. Peanut Butter
1 lb. honey
1 lb. diaglo (powder) or Mirra coat
1 pt. Lavitamin also known as Lixotinic (Can be found at
Have peanut butter at room temperature. Mix all ingredients together This will be very thick and sticky. Stores indefinitely in refrigerator. Make into balls according to size of the dog.
Small dogs should get 1-3 teaspoons daily,
Large dogs should get 1-2 tablespoons daily.
Guaranteed to grow hair-- even on doorknobs. If you can get the doorknobs to eat and digest this–it will grow hair!

Beware- some of the supplements can add weight or energy.

What grooming does a corgi need that caused such an embarrassing disaster? lol You have got me wondering now!! :lol:

Let’s put it this way: The new groomer apparently believes that “clipped” means “SHAVED.” :eek::mad::eek:

I will look into making those peanut butter things!

O NO!!! :eek:

Im a poodle person. Never found anything that worked except time. Its hair, it will grow back. And for the meantime maybe hide her in a dog sweater (thats what I do! haha).

If there was a recipe for hair growth that actually worked people would be all over it. Healthy diet and tincture of time is all that really works.

And for the future, avoid ambiguous terms like “clipped” “short” “long” etc.,when telling the groomer what you want. Those all mean different things to different people. I have clients that tell me they want clipped and it means they want that critter stripped monkey butt nekid and then I have people that tell me they want the dog “super, super short” and what they actually want is about 3" of hair left.

The more specific you are the better odds that the dog handed back looks like what you want. The groomer should know better than to assume the client knows what they’re asking for :wink: and should clarify everything, but best to CYA and be specific!

Nothing will make it grow back faster, but brush regularly to help the coat shed. If its cut down, it won’t have the weight to fall out as it should and the under coat will basically get stuck and can essentially choke out the longer guard hairs from being able to grow back in normally. Get something like a furminator and use it often.

This time of the year horse stores sell those slick n easy shedding blocks. They are the BOMB for removing undercoat. Using one to rake her coat a few days a week will keep her undercoat down and let the guard hairs grow back out.

I don’t think fish oil and biotin will hurt one bit but I wouldn’t expect any oral supplement to make a big impact on coat growth unless your dog has an underlying deficiency.