
I have asperger’s syndrome and severe congenital bunions on both feet.I had my first of two foot surgeries yesterday to correct the conditon.My left foot was done at 7:30 yesterday morning and my right foot will be done in september.My problem is, I don’t know anyone else who’s been through this surgery.I’ve been off the horse due to a year because of concussion syndrome.My left bunion is gone,they put in a screw and plate to make sure it wont come back.But how long did it take you guys after bunion surgery before you could ride again?and oh my gosh the pain, i wasn’t feeling it before because i had a nerve block in (and a good one,got it at the hospital n it just wore off)I’ve taken so much pain medication by now that i cant’ take anymore until 7 am.I’ve literally been up all night.and my balance is so bad that im struggling w/crutches…i have a phone next to me so that when i get up to go to the bathroom,i can call upstairs and wake someone up to have them come down and help me …which i feel awful about waking ppl up at midnight and 3 am respectivly.Although i gotta say, i moved out of my house 8 months ago due to abuse, and because of the Asperger’s they gave me an “support family”…the “mom” Sue is awesome,she works as a surg tech at the hospital i had surgery in and has been there everry step of the way…and the husband “Mike” is super funny…but anyay im on crutches/in a wheelchair for 6-8 weeks and it seems like such a loong time.i just wanna go back out and hike and ride my horse and drive…

Can’t help with your rehab but right now Ice is your friend. You really shouldn’t be alone and at this time you shouldn’t be blundering around on meds on crutches or in a wheel chair.

Lie down with your foot above the level of your heart and ice your foot. Did the hospital give you refillable ice bags? If you have a cast it might take a while but it will help.


I had both bunions removed, and bone pain really hurts, but in about five days it will be much better. It took about 4 1/2 months before I could ride. I know it is awful (trust me, I absolutely know because I have been slowly recovering from two knee surgeries in December and only went to a cane two weeks ago), but it is so important that it heals completely before you ride again.

Hang in there!

PS if they give you Mobic for muscle spasms, heads up that it can give you nasty insomnia and vertigo

Ice is your friend, try to get all you an on it for some minutes on and off all thru the day.
If you don’t let the pain get going, ice can keep most of it away right off.

Oh, honey! I’ve done that 3 times now, and waiting to do my left foot for the second time. Had my first surgery at age 12, my second at 13 and the third, when they grew back horribly at age 35.

You’ll be riding again in about 3 months, if the pain is bearable. It took awhile to get my foot in field boot, but slightly-too-big paddocks did the trick for the first month.

The recovery sucks, doesn’t it? I’m sorry you’re going thru this. Ice, elevation and staying ahead of your pain–take the pain meds on schedule. Don’t be a hero! Ask for help, be grateful and thankful, but ask.

Good luck, sweetie!

add insult to injury,i got a UTI this morning (possibly as a result of the anesteisa…i can’t pee) and if its not better in the AM i gotta go to the ER for a catheter

A UTI doesn’t make you unable to pee. I would go to the ER now and find out exactly what the problem is.

Enough’s enough.i’m headed to the hospital…and hoping that because they have to put in urinary catheter doesn’t mean i’ll be staying the night

After every surgery, they always provided us with a number to call a nurse with any concerns and told she would either tell us what to do or to come in to see what is going on.

Yes, do go have things checked out.

After gallbladder surgery, I had stomach stasis for some days, until all I ate finally came up completely undigested and things started moving again on their own, not a very pleasant experience.

Good luck, let us know you are ok.

i did end up with the cathetor as a result of post-surgical urinary retention

Owie! I know that is always a possible complication of anesthesia which I’ve been lucky enough to avoid. I hope today is a better day for you. Hang in there, the first week is always the hardest, but it really does get better. Keep us posted.

I wasn’t riding at all when I had my bunion surgery so I cant speak to how long to get back in the saddle. I was however able to wear reasonable heels three months later at my wedding:)

Sorry to hear about your complications. Hopefully the rest of your recovery is uneventful.