Survey for American Horse Owners about their Horse's Feeding Routine

Hello everyone,

I am a fourth-year Equine, Sports, and Business student at Van Hall Larenstein University in the Netherlands currently conducting a survey for horse owners in the United States. This survey is part of my dissertation to finish my degree and is in collaboration with a specialist horse feed company from the United Kingdom. The survey covers the topics of what is currently being fed to horses and horse owner feeding preferences for understanding the potential the commissioning company and their products have in the country.

I would really appreciate anyone on the forum from the United States to fill this 10-15 minute survey out. The link is:

Thank you very much and feel free to contact me about any queries or comments you may have about this study. If you can also share it with your friends and family who also own a horse, that would be great!

Kind regards,

Rosie Dearing Crampton Flood

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Done ! Good luck (:

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Thank you so much :blush: much appreciated!

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I filled it out too.

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Thank you :relaxed:

Done, I’ll share with my friends!

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Thank you and for sharing it with your friends :blush:!

Done :grin::+1:
I’d be interested in hearing a summary of your survey results.

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Thank you for completing the survey :blush: I was going to share the results of the survey as a comment on this post once I have ended the survey, which I plan to do so by the end of next week. I can also privately message you the results as well.

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No PM needed.
But I’ll check for your comment here :+1:

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