Survey of Thoroughbred Horse Racing Fans

Hi everyone. I am doing a study on North American Thoroughbred racing fans and their thoughts about animals for my Master’s thesis at Canisius College, in Buffalo, NY. I need racing fans to complete my survey. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. As an incentive for participating, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card. All responses will be completely anonymous. PLEASE SHARE this with any North American Thoroughbred racing fans you know. Thank you for your time and (hopefully) participation! Here’s the link:

It never asked me to ‘submit’ :frowning:

I had answer an optional question :frowning:

Thought some of it was confusing with variations on a question sometimes require an ‘agree’ and then next question ‘disagree’.


I’d be interested in the results of your survey when done.

Not happening. I would expect a better basis to be required for researching a Thesis before I would participate.

Online and anonymous for a Thesis, really? Times have certainly changed if this is anything but an infinitesimal part of your requirement.

Good luck though!

The OP isn’t anonymous. If you clicked on the link her name and contact info are there.
This format is very typical of a survey that could be included in a thesis. The basis for the whole thesis? No. But a supporting argument? Yes.
It’s not that different from having students on campus fill out a survey, except that the OP knows that on this board she’ll get more horse racing fans from a variety of age categories.


Hello again, everyone. As Good Times stated above, my contact information is included in the informed consent portion (first page) of the survey and this is a very common format nowadays to collect data which will inform my thesis (I can’t really get into exactly what my thesis is at this point as that could bias survey responses). My survey is still open and more respondents are needed. It will only take a few minutes of your time and you will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing for an Amazon gift card as an incentive. I’m hoping that results of my study will eventually be published in an academic journal and may even help to improve the perception of the sport and welfare of our beloved Thoroughbreds. Thanks for reading.

Here is the link:

I attempted to take the survey, but when I pressed the “next” button on one of the later pages, I was redirected to the beginning of the survey instead. I was also forced by the system to answer the optional question and fill in the “other” box on one question before I could proceed.

I did the survey with no problems. Thanks for the opportunity to take it.