Survey Question

Hi Mods,

I just took the online survey and was taken to the subscription page for my 3 month free trial. I typed in my first name and tabbed over to type in my last name. Well, tabbing over takes you to the promo code field and I typed over it. Ugh. So I refreshed and it took me back to the survey page. I didn’t want to fill it out again and mess up your results. So how can I now get my trial sub?


Contact Gloria Broy, the subscription manager, at or 540-687-6341.

In case anyone’s wondering, we had a banner ad and stickies up leading to the survey, but the publisher was concerned about another detail in the subscription form and is holding off on posting it until the tech guru arrives this afternoon to straighten it out. We want the process to be as easy as possible for everyone!

Thanks so much for your participation!
Mod 1