Surviving Hodgkins, radiation, and riding

Hi All, I have a very unusual question. I am a two time Hodgkin’s survivor and am suffering from radiation fibrosis, which has damaged my heart and lungs. One of the really big problems is that I have ‘dropped head syndrome’. The muscles in my neck are too weak and damaged to hold up my head (or hold it still) when trotting and cantering. My lovely TB canters around beautifully for me, even though I am staring at his withers in spite of my best efforts to look up. It is a little scarey to not be able to see where we are going. I look like a weeble doll.

I’ve tried a soft collar, but that doesn’t help. There is a head collar designed for people like me to stabilize/rest the neck, but it wouldn’t be safe to ride in. I do exercises to build the muscles in my neck and work with a physical therapist. Does anyone have any ideas?

I also just plain run out of air while riding, even though I work out on an elliptical nearly every day. Any ideas to help breathing? Or ideas of why this happens? I can easily do 1/2 hour and do well on stress tests where one is standing with arms hanging down. Cantering is the toughest for me, and jumping is nearly impossible now. Both my cardiologist and pulmonologist are stumped and point at one another.

Thank you, fg

Sorry not to have any info or ideas for you but wanted to say that I really admire you for persevering…

This sounds like a puzzle for a good physical therapist. Echoing what the poster above said, I admire your perseverence.