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Sweat Supplements

Hi all,

I know there have been posts about this before, but I’m hoping to get updated opinions/experiences on what everyone is giving their poor sweaters. I’m in Texas and have an 18+ hand WB gelding that stops sweating every summer. Our set-up woks well for him (free access to a barn with an evaporative cooling fan and misters on an automatic timer) but I also try to give him supplements in hopes they will help him.

I tried many different ones in the beginning (True Sweat, One A/C, Equiwinner patches, Megasweat, Chinese herb etc, just to name a few), but had the most success with Platinum Refresh. He’s been on that for several summers now, and I don’t feel that is is “working” as well as it did in the beginning. I am wondering if I should try something new this year? Please tell me what has worked for your poor sweater, especially if it’s something newer to the market.

I give OneAC on my horse that has had anhidrosis in the past as preventative, kind of, but I’m interested in the Megasweat. They make such strong claims.

After one AC stopped working, I switched to Life Data Sweat Formula, and it has worked very well. I buy it from Walmart.

Supplements didn’t seem to help mine. Acupuncture did! He was sweating totally normal again last summer.

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This is one of the one’s I’ve been curious about. Glad to know it works well for yours!

I forgot to mention I also tried acupuncture. Didn’t seem to help mine, but I read other places it takes several sessions? Felt too pricey to risk numerous sessions on, but maybe I should rethink it. How many before you saw results? Do you do it every year?

I’m in a Support for Horses with Anhidrosis" FB group and I feel like I’ve seen numerous posts saying Megasweat worked for theirs. I didn’t have any results with it, but it definitely might be worth trying.

I tried Sweatwerks last year, and it’s the first time he’s sweated normally through the entire summer rather than just early summer. Out 24/7 in central NC. I do put salt in his supplements as well.

One AC in the past, then some Platinum Refresh, going back to One AC this summer.

Have not noticed that anything has really worked on my cushings horse, but feel that the supplements might help things from being worse.

My horse is kind of an oddball to care for, I have just resigned myself to trying different supplements every summer and hope for the best.

Last summer, I tried One AC, Platinum Refresh (which apparently tasted nasty), Equiwinner patches, True Sweat, and Let 'Em Sweat. The Let 'Em Sweat seemed to work the best.

This year, I did the Equiwinner patches in early March (I’m in a warm climate, and we’d already experienced some high 80s by then), and started my gelding on the Let 'Em Sweat. We’re having a lot of mid to high 80s (sometimes very low 90s), and he’s sweating normally.

Never had an anhidrosis problem with this horse until last year’s super brutal summer.

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He gets regular acupuncture anyway, so we just started adding certain points to help with sweating. Did not really do much the first season, and neither did the supplements.

Started to notice a difference the second season. And last summer was the third, and he was even sweating standing still on some hot days, which I’d never seen happen with him before. He tends to get treated around once a month in conjunction with his chiro.

I’ve used Platinum Refresh and One AC with decent results. When it gets super hot (eastern NC, so it gets oppressive here with heat/humidity) I double up the One AC (2 scoops twice a day). That can get expensive and we blow through those little containers quickly, but it seems to keep him sweating.

I also have been better over the past couple of years about making sure he’s getting a tablespoon of just regular iodized table salt in his AM/PM feed.

He’s done pretty well with this, plus access to shade and a fan when he chooses to use it.

Is he on alfalfa? Most of our non sweaters start sweating again with just pulling alfalfa from their diet.

I’ve heard good things about the supplement from Perfect Prep, but its $$$.

Accupuncture (3 treatments) and One AC didnt seem to work for my horse. Sweatwerks seemed to help, but he decided he hated the taste, even with flavoring added. What worked most consistently was Guiness Stout. At the end of last summer I either gave him half a bottle with a couple of handfuls of his pellets to make a “beer mash” (he loved it!) or I gave him some Sweatwerks by putting it in capsules I purchased and dropping them in his grain.