Sweeper for barn aisle

Has anyone used a push sweeper ![](n their aisle?


How about this battery operated one?


Interesting. I just use a leaf blower.


Very interesting. I’ve seen the bigger gas-powered lawn vacuums in action and those work great for the barn aisle. My only questions about these would be to check capacity - a small collection area is going to get filled up with stray hay real fast- as well as whether the spinning/sweeping mechanism can handle poop balls and the like.

I’m thinking poop balls would be picked up with a fork. I am concerned about strands of hay not flowing well. The hopper would clearly need to be dumped after each use.

My DW has asthma issues - dust really bothers her. She struggles sweeping the aisle - I’m thinking this might create less dust than a push broom.

I haven’t used one, but have seen one in use and they seem to work well in barn aisles.

A few of the reviews mention that they hoped for no dust but were disappointed. I imagine it must be less dusty than a push broom or blower, though?

There are also “reversible” leaf blowers that double as a vacuum - though my very limited experience indicated that they would be best for light use only, as in a pretty small area and definitely no major wet/poop debris.

here’s a thread with some suggestions


Has she tried the simple, cheap, disposable surgical masks sold at most pharmacies?

I used to trailride with a guy who was allergic to horses.
He was fine in the open air, but had to wear the mask grooming & tacking up.
The barn we were at had plenty ventilation and aisles were kept swept, but still too much dust & hair in the air for him.


We have one for our barn at home (not for the 4 legged horses) and as long as there’s no bumps it’s ok. We had a battery operated big one at the horse barn, one big rotating brush but no collector, threes trips down the isle and it was clear. None are dust free though.

I worked at a barn that used a big leaf vacuum. It was a commercial, gas-powered walk-behind vacuum with a cloth collection bag. It generated some dust, especially when you first turned it on, but I found if you just dampened the bag a little, it kept the dust down a lot. I’m not sure that was advised by the manufacturer but the manager I worked for was super sensitive to dust and preferred it done that way.

We vacuumed a rubber matted floor and a concrete floor, and it picked up pretty much everything except the tiny shavings particles that would stick to the rubber mat. Big strands of hay were no problem. Of course, big clods of mud and manure were picked up with a pitchfork beforehand. Vacuuming a large (80’x80’ at least?) barn twice a day only necessitated dumping the bag about once a week. The bags held up for a while – I worked there for almost 2 years and we used the same bag the whole time, I think. We had a Honda one, and it was pretty reliable. I think there was only one minor issue in that time that was easily fixed.

Not sure what your needs or budget are, but worth considering!


I did one of the push sweepers. I ended up selling it at a garage sale. It was worthless. It may have been just that brand or maybe all of them I don’t know. that said I’d be tempted to see if a powered one worked.
if you turn the horses out during the day a leaf blower works well but They are so loud and dusty I would not use one with the horses in their stalls

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I work at a farm where we have a Factory Cat 34 (link below). Its a larger/more heavy duty model and does a great job of cleaning the barn aisle…picks up arena sand, shavings, etc. We generally clean up any manure or clumps of hay and then run the sweeper. I enjoy sweeping with a broom and dust pan, but I have to admit, the motorized sweeper does a much better job and in a shorter period of time. This one doesn’t kick up much dust either.


At the barn I work at we use a shop vac to vacuum the aisle and surrounding areas. It works great and looks so clean afterwards.