Sweetie is at rest.
Rest easy Sweetie. You were a good girl
Poor old girl. You did the best you could for her. Never doubt that.
Hugs and jingles to you and your daughter today.
RIP Sweetie.
((((Hugs)))) for you and your daughter.
RIP Sweetie. You had a tough life, but you won the horse lottery at the end.
Sweet peace in green pastures, Sweetie.
Peace be with you and Spirit and your family, @carman_liz.
Such a good girl. Glad it was a nice sunny day for her. Thank you for taking such wonderful care of her.
Godspeed, Sweetie. May you now have all the health and goodies you didn’t in this world. Hugs @carman_liz and your little girl. Bless you for all you did.
I don’t even know how to say thank you to you all for being thru all this with me because it seems so trite of a saying at this point. But seriously you all mean the world to us.
Now for a morbid giggle to lighten the day… I thought about laying down next to her while we waited for the burial guy to get here… then realized everyone could see us from the road and if they saw a horse covered in a blanket laying down and a human sprawled out next to her I would probably end up with the sheriff and EMS at my house!
She looked like she was ready
It’s tough, but I’m so glad you took her in and gave her a good end
Thank you
Thank you for being so kind. You gave Sweetie the comfort and peace all animals deserve at the end of their journey. Your daughter will be fine, she sounds like a lovely, kind young lady. You’re teaching her well.
I know how hard it is to walk the path you took with Sweetie. I hospice dogs, and had 2 leave me this year. You took the hard road, and walked it well.
Grieve the loss, but at the same time turn your back to the shadows and face the sun, you did Sweetie right.
We need a Zillion Times Liked! button for posts like yours.
I too have followed from the beginning and was saddened to hear you did not have more time with her.
Take comfort in knowing you gave her a more peaceful and dignified end than she would have otherwise had. She had love, care, and good food in her last few weeks.
What an incredibly fortunate horse to have found her way to you.
I’m sorry you lost her but you gave her a really good last few weeks and the gift of a comfortable, perfect last day.
Big (((hugs))) to you and your daughter.
Aww goodbye Sweetie. Hugs to you and your family
It is a sad outcome to be sure, but as an old and jaded DVM, it warms my heart that there are people like you out there.
And you’re setting an example for your daughter.
Bless you.
So glad you were able to give her kindness for the last bit of her life. I’m sorry she wasn’t able to stay but she’s free and well again and has you to thank for it - what a lucky horse to have found her way to you
Again I am so humbled. One thing that happened, so we knew she was at her last little bit of life when the vet put the needle in, her vein blew out and bubbled up. Luckily she was sedated enough that she went down, on that side so pressure on that side from her weight. Then while she was down I was able to have her head in my lap with the final shot.
Bless you carman_liz and many hugs.
Godspeed Sweetie.
Rest In Peace.