So I had my mare for almost 30 yrs, I feel confident taking care of seniors with issues, I know how to medicate take care of colic, lameness issues, I can give shots, I do not ride anymore so I am honestly more comfortable with pasture ornaments… which leads me to the current situation.
My pony has been alone since June, I put down my friends senior who lived out his retirement at my place. I have thought about getting another pasture mate, but always say nahh, my pony is insanely low maintenance and the break from 3x a day feeding and no feed cost has been nice. I have thought about doing a cheap pasture board for someone, but then I realize people would be at my barn, therefore my house and I am a bit of a control freak so nixed that idea quick…
Bored and cruising craigslist today I came across this poor soul and started crying at work, I felt like I had to reach out and at least ask about her. Turns out her owners are good ppl, they just have no experience with horses, bought her off craigslist themselves and just cannot afford trying to get her well.
I told the ppl I want current coggins, shot records, any and all vet records concerning her worms situation, am I forgetting anything? I am thinking for sure have my vet out asap, a 5 day round of Panacur, senior feed of course, aloe vera to help her stomach (anyone ever use the Abler tablet ulcer treatment round? Thoughts on it?) Keep her separate from pony while she gets used to our place, plenty of hay, love, grooming and hand walking, then if she does gain weight back try just walking around on her and see if she is rideable, if not totally fine of course though.
Tell me I am doing the right thing, I have never brought a horse back from that much of a weight loss, or did the whole “rescue” thing… For 700 bucks including them delivering her to me from 2 hrs away, even if she is harboring a cancer or something fatal, at least I can try to get her well and if not, she can go peacefully vs some joe blow buying her, auctioning her to slaughter or trying to ride her with no further actual medical treatment.
I have already committed to buying her, I just reassurance that I am not insane for doing this I guess!!!