Swelling on chest from falling in turnout?

My lovely mare was out with her friends in a freshly watered arena and biffed it going around a corner. I saw it happen - left hind slipped out from under her, hip went down next and got a little skinned up, then her shoulder hit, none of her legs looked like they did the splits, just a little wipe out. She got up and took off like nothing happened, and stayed out for another couple hours. The sand is nice and soft - honestly too deep for consistent safe riding, but it’s not the primary arena.

When I went to bring her in, I noticed the swelling on her shoulder you can see in the pictures, very watery and loose. VERY tender to the touch, though not making her particularly lame. I cold hosed it for 20 minutes, assuming it was an edema from the impact. Wrapped her legs as a precaution.

Yesterday the swelling was more firm. Still a little tender, but not nearly what it was the first day. Still every so slightly off, but not “head-bobbing lame”. I wonder if the slightly off is from skin tenderness?

Has anyone had experience with anything that looks like this? My paranoia is kicking in and I’m starting to think pectoral strain/tear.



Looks like a hematoma.

Music had one in a similar place, due to a kick.

Second a hematoma. I’d have a vet take a look at her soon, just to be sure that you’re treating it correctly.

Thanks guys. Have texted the vet the photos with a note saying to come out if she feels what she sees is serious enough to warrant it. Otherwise I will treat as a hematoma, and play it by ear when she can return to work.

Thanks again, I appreciate it!

Swelling was WAY down and watery instead of firm last night. Some of it was heading into her forearm which I expected. She seems significantly less grouchy too! Vet says she thinks she will be fine, even with her little “side boob” (her words, not mine haha).

Hooray for healing! Thanks again everyone.


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Just be aware that it will be slow, and may leave a residual “knot”. Years ago we used DMSO on the “knots”, check with your vet.

It’s a hematoma. My gelding got one the same way, but on his stifle. My vets did not want to even consider draining it, but just allow it to reabsorb over time, which it did. But for several weeks he had what looked like a balloon hanging from his stife. We rubbed surpass on it daily to help with inflammation.

My vet also did not even want to entertain draining it, and it resorbed so fast that she was right. A “balloon” is a good description. She doesn’t seem tender on it at all anymore, so I will lightly introduce work tonight and see where we are at.

5 days off for a horse who typically gets worked 6 days a week. Ohhhhhh boy. :slight_smile:

Looking really good! I was prepared to scratch from my show this weekend, but it looks like I’ll be able to go. She doesn’t seem bothered by it at all at this point. I do have a concern that the breast collar strap might annoy it, though - I’ll play that one by ear.



If it is a hematoma put rectinol on it.