swimming has really helped my shoulder!

Last fall I started having some pain and mobility issues issues in my shoulder. i had to switch which arm I put into a coat first when putting on a coat due to limited mobility and pain. It got somewhat better over time but was not 100%. I started swimming in July and it is greatly improved- feels like back to normal. Plus swimming is so relaxing, a great stress reliever. Any one else benefitted from swimming or water aerobics? It seems to be very therapeutic.

I used to swim laps and loved it. It was like a Zen experience every night! I loved to swim over a mile at a time, changing stroke every 10 laps. But it blew out my shoulders. I used find to help my knees and hips, but nothing helped my shoulders. Eventually had to quit. I miss it! So I am very jealous of you! :slight_smile:

I swam with a Master’s group (everybody over 30) years ago, every morning before work. I wasn’t particularly good or fast, but I could do laps for an hour and really enjoyed it. I had a shoulder that subluxed regularly, and it was much better when I was swimming. When I got back into the horse thing, the shoulder went out one day and stayed out, and had to be repaired. I still miss the swimming, but the shoulder is fine.

I found swimming was incredibly helpful in recovering from back surgery. I would do crawl stroke, breast stroke, back stroke and side stroke (both sides). This put my limbs through a full range of motion work out without stressing my shoulders. Did wonders for me. If (when) I finally stop working, I hope to have the time to swim again. (I did the crawl and breast stroke with a mask and snorkel so I always had the air I needed.)

Glad to hear that swimming has been helpful to others. I have such a hard time sticking to any exercise program but swimming has been fairly addictive. When I finally set foot in the gym again, I found that my endurance had improved. Hoping to keep up my fitness- I kind of need to on account of the things I like to eat!!!