Swollen hock?

any advice appreciated - my vet is coming out friday but curious to know what i’m dealing with

26 year old mare, she is retired, and was diagnosed late last year with DSLD after a suspensory to her left hind… the same leg this swollen hock is on

rehabbed her and retired her and she has hind bar shoes on now to help with the dropped fetlocks

for context, this has happened once before, coincidentally she had prostride back in may of this year and a few days later the swelling popped up. vet said it wasn’t related to the prostride as the exact joint that was injected wouldn’t have caused her to swell like that… long story short, my vet came out and saw her; she actually was pretty sound at the trot (at hand), and we ended up having me put some arthritic cream on it for the next week or so and keep an eye on it

now yesterday i noticied it again. it isn’t hot and she doesn’t seem off (at the walk) or responsive to it… it seems … mushy, like it’s fluid filled…

just wondering if anyone has any idea of what this may be or has experienced anything similar

It looks and sounds like it could be Thoroughpin. One of my friends has a horse with one due to an extensive racing career; his looks way worse and he has always been sound. From what I learned about it from this horse, it is mostly a cosmetic issue. I’m sure your mare wouldn’t mind a few extra treats though :slight_smile:


Thank you so much!!!


Yes looks liké a Big thoroughpin. I vé had many horses with them and no problèm. Those on m’y horses were smaller but thé horses were also much younger