I’ve found lots of helpful information on this forum before, so I’m back again in hopes that my horse’s newest “issue” can be discussed, to help me know if I need to have him seen by a vet, or just carefully watched.
I stalled my gelding last night. He has a double stall, the one side is bedded heavily, the other side is just rubber mats. He normally does his “business” on the bedded side, eats on the matted side, and sleeps on the bedded side. He’s not normally stalled, but he was just trimmed and he seemed tender on his hooves, so I stalled him encase he would prefer to stand on the deeper bedding than the outdoor ground.
I went out to feed this morning, and we have a swollen leg. It’s basically his knee down. I felt for heat, it doesn’t appear to be any warmer than his other leg. I can tell he laid on that side because he had shavings on that side this morning. He typically lays with his front legs tucked up under him. I’m wondering if it’s swollen from being laid on too long? If that’s a thing? Or from being injured as he got up or down in the stall. He’s putting weight on it. Moving normally from what I can tell.
Any thoughts? I appreciate the responses.
The picture of both front legs is a bit misleading, the right knee looks bigger, but it’s actually the left knee/leg in the picture that is swollen/puffy.