system is trying to post every post twice

When I respond to a thread I keep getting the notice that I have attempted a repeated posting whereas I have only hit “enter” once.

This just started a few days ago.

message is the standard repeated attempt warning, but there was only one attempt made

“The following errors occurred with your submission
This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 30 seconds.”

I’m having the same problem… Interestingly though, my message does get posted (once).

Have not see this particular problem since the edit issues started.

I get it to and am being double posted. Won’t let you edit or quote and is loading randomly if at all.

I’ve recently discovered that the developers have been working on a significantly revamped site for the magazine, as well as the forums. The timing of the hacking episodes that necessitated some software updates to our current site was not the greatest (when is it ever?).

My impression is that they don’t want to devote a ton of resources to addressing the glitches that resulted from the software update they had to do on this version, because there’s a significantly revamped site that will soon be released…which makes sense, though we appreciate it’s annoying to have to contend with a glitchy site.

The new site should have some features everyone should appreciate, so please bear with us during this awkward stage!

Thanks ~
Mod 1

I’ve recently discovered that the developers have been working on a significantly revamped site for the magazine, as well as the forums. The timing of the hacking episodes that necessitated some software updates to our current site was not the greatest (when is it ever?).

My impression is that they don’t want to devote a ton of resources to addressing the glitches that resulted from the software update they had to do on this version, because there’s a significantly revamped site that will soon be released…which makes sense, though we appreciate it’s annoying to have to contend with a glitchy site.

The new site should have some features everyone should appreciate, so please bear with us during this awkward stage!

Thanks ~
Mod 1

Thanks Mod 1! Is there an ETA on the roll out?

Thanks for the update on that front, Mod 1. I can understand not wanting to devote resources to maintaining an obsolete product when workarounds are doing the job for [many] clients [who largely aren’t paying for the service] in the moment. Do you have an estimated timeline to share on when we could expect to see the shiny new platform?

Mod1, thanks to you and your IT staff. What you said makes perfect sense… why spend resources on something that will soon be replaced.

IT is a never ending challenge.

I hope all you guys (gender neutral) are able to have a nice New Year’s weekend without dealing with naughty folks on the internet :slight_smile:

We just received a version of the new site for in-house review late last week. We’ve sent some preliminary feedback on big issues we found. I expect there will be another round or two of review before it’s rolled out to the public. I’m not sure of the timeline, though I update as I get more info.

Mod 1

We just received a version of the new site for in-house review late last week. We’ve sent some preliminary feedback on big issues we found. I expect there will be another round or two of review before it’s rolled out to the public. I’m not sure of the timeline, though I update as I get more info.

Mod 1

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;8988209]

The new site should have some features everyone should appreciate, so please bear with us during this awkward stage!

Thanks ~
Mod 1[/QUOTE]

thank you and the staff, I wasn’t sure if there were continuing attempts to identify and correct problems with the current format when I posted this

I found that when I try to post, I get the error that the forum requires 30 seconds between posts.

I observed that this happens if submit shortly after “auto-save” has run. I just back out of my post and “voila” the post is there even though I never submitted.

Try this as a workaround…just post something…don’t submit…wait till “auto-save” runs…then back out.

I found that when I try to post, I get the error that the forum requires 30 seconds between posts.

I observed that this happens if submit shortly after “auto-save” has run. I just back out of my post and “voila” the post is there even though I never submitted.

Try this as a workaround…just post something…don’t submit…wait till “auto-save” runs…then back out.[/QUOTE]

This exact thing happened when I posted this post (I got the 30 second error)…I just clicked on the topic for the thread (in this case “system is trying to post every post twice”) and my post was there.