T12 L1 fracture anyone?

So depending in how you look at it, I either ran out of luck, or got very lucky indeed five days ago, and fractured the spinous process of T12 and the body of L1 after getting bucked off onto hard ground.

A friend recently had a similar injury, but worse, and her story has been so helpful to me, but I was wondering if anyone could share their own journey with this sort of injury?

I am in a brace for three months minimum, and no driving in that time. No working either. After that I’m not sure what to expect.

Five of my horses are off to various friends tomorrow, leaving me with just three at home to keep me sane.

Any tips on healing, sanity or otherwise?

Regards Pin

I broke my L2 last August. The actual break did not hurt too much and healed fast but I tore pretty much all the muscle along my lower back which took VERY long to heal and was extremely painful. It wasn’t until February that I finally was back into normal muscle function. I was in a brace for three months and as soon as the brace came off I was on a horse!
I started riding again in December, but I couldn’t do more than walk/trot for two months. I am actually going to my first horse show this weekend, so its a big thing for me.

Enjoy your time off while you have it - getting back to work and doing things is going to be hard and frustrating but very rewarding at the same time! It was really hard for me to get on a horse and not be the same rider I was before.
I did a lot of reading riding books and it gave me some good tips when I got back in the saddle! One thing I do recommend is event though it is a pain in the butt ALWAYS ALWAYS wear your brace when you get up.
I was never given Physical Therapy but I think that it would have really helped me early on.

I guess thats all I have to say… but Jingles to you and I hope you heal quickly!

So depending in how you look at it, I either ran out of luck, or got very lucky indeed five days ago, and fractured the spinous process of T12 and the body of L1 after getting bucked off onto hard ground. [/QUOTE]

You were very lucky.

I broke T12/L1 5 1/2 years ago and I am now a wheelchair-dependent paraplegic. The thing that keeps me going is horses. I was not injured in a horse accident (ATV) but, preparalysis I was a professional 3-day event rider. It took me a year but, I am back in the saddle and riding everyday. Things are different but, I am IN the saddle. Just be thankful for what you still have. You can actually read about my accident on here, there was a whole posting on it that I found after I got out of rehab. It was in 10/2007.

Ten years ago, I broke L1 toL5, transverse processes. I was launched from a horse onto a very solid fence. Also broke a few ribs (can’t recall how many ) and punctured a lung. 2 weeks in hospital.
It took months of physio to build me back, muscles are still weak on that left side, mostly because muscles attach to the transverse processes. I have no longer muscles attached there. I rode at a walk 4 months after the accident. Took a bit longer to get my nerve to trot and even longer to canter.
I was very lucky and still count my lucky stars. But riding is difficult at best for me (weaker side) , I used to ride dressage, now I mostly do trails. I still ride though and am happy for that.
Driving has been my godsend.

Thank you so much for your replies.

Kate I would say that I don’t have any muscle damage, or at least none that the doctors mentioned. It’s good to know that the bone can heal quickly. I suspect I had the simplest type to get. I hope I am back riding as quickly as you describe!

CharB thank you for your post. It does put things in perspective for me. I was actually unaware that an injury at this level could cause paralysis…I thought that was only higher. I will indeed look for the post. You sound very positive and I am so glad you are riding. It must be very hard for you not to be competing. Thank you again.

Go pony, that sounds hideously painful, and I am amazed you were riding at four months, I can’t imagine that I will be.

Thank you again for your replies.

A wonderful trainer and lots of books!

Compression fracture L1 L2 13 years ago. No brace, but very limited activity for three months. A friend suggested using a balance ball for core strengthening after my doctor gave me the ok to start back on some normal activities. I started back riding as soon as my three months was up, but was very weak and found the balance ball really did help. I’ve since developed some major bone spurs in my lower back, which irritate the muscles etc.

Going back to the balance ball has helped me to strengthen my core and back muscles, which in turn has improved my riding.

As for keeping sane during my down time, I read and reread every horse related book I could get my hands on, reviewed videos of previous clinics I had taken and had a wonderful friend and trainer who discussed training goals and different dressage techniques with me. She was a godsend for my sanity and boosted my lagging spirits when I needed it most.

Good luck, I know this is a painful and trying time. Give yourself the time to heal properly. Stinting yourself on that time puts you at risk of injury and an even longer recovery.

Hello Pin :slight_smile:
I found found the threads on this board very helpful while I was recuperating - so many inspiring people!

Yah :smiley:

I was 13 when I was injured. Swimming was the best PT ever. My mom made me swim, everyday, even if it was really just walking in shoulder deep water for 30min. I was obviously in pain, but I honestly think that’s why I have NO pain YEARS later. I didn’t have the muscle tightening/ weakness issues many have had.

Not sure if you’re still checking this thread but I just fractured T12, L1 and L2 spinous processes last weekend (and 11th rib). I was told this isn’t bad at all and I should be back in action in 6 to 8 weeks. Haven’t actually seen a spine doctor yet though (next Monday). However a NZ physio who happens to know my parents recommended a machine called a MedX that’s supposed to be great for rehabilitating injured backs (once you can do physical therapy). Am planning on trying it once I can.

I had a compression fracture of L2 7 years ago. I was in the clamp shell for 3 months then out and into a soft brace for a while. I, too, was riding as soon as I could.

Looking back, I wish I had done more PT type of things after the brace came off. It’s really important to get the muscles surrounding it strengthened and and functioning. I did some Feldenkrais earlier this year and my body was still holding onto that trama and I didn’t realize it b/c I just compensated.

That said, I really didn’t have too much pain after healing. I trim my horses and that does aggravate my back, but I have no idea if it’s b/c of the old injury or a disc issue.

Thanks peeps!
Brace could hypothetically come off today but my doc can’t see me until next week. Gah! Then ill fund out what rehab I need. No word yet on how long until I can ride. Looking forwards to some swimming and gym time though. Has been a long time since I did either :slight_smile:

Hey there! Yay for no brace!

I’m in your boat, OP, had the stupidest fall of a horse (my 3rd lesson after 5 years of no riding!) back in May. Fractured L1 and L2,spent a few days in the hospital and then in a brace until Aug. 28th, and now in PT. It’s helping out but it’s quite the torture after being inactive for so long, I feel like some sort of weak sea sponge trying to exercise.

I was almost allowed to get on a horse last week, just for a walk, if I had not hurt myself doing my PT exercises at home. I’m just not sure my back will hold up to putting a saddle on or picking hooves, but we’ll see.

Going back to work as a vet. tech, starting again part time on Oct. 7th… I’m a bit anxious about it, and hoping that it won’t hurt too much.