Tack questions

Since its been a heat wave this week averaging 40*C with humidity I cant be at the barn…

Looking for opinions on some tack items for RA since im bored

I love my mdc stirrups but would the wider based bowbalanced be better? I have none to try.

Seat covers. rode with one in winter till it fell apart(my dismounting on tall horses is entertaining to say the least) what would work better a sheepskin or tush cushion from cashel?

I must say I LOVE the bike loop reins from freedomrider only problem is I find them short for anything over 16hh.

As a personal update im seeing a rhematologist and will start meds next week(I cant wait)! Riding wise Ive been between horses but can pull off a decent training test on whoever i ride now! Im going to start riding a new gelding next week(he hurt himself 2weeks ago) he currently schools 3-4th level stuff is 16yo and 17.2hh wesfalian gekling. he’s sooo quiet and wouldnt hurt a fly, infact he’s afraid of the mini horses! Everyone thinks im crazy because im 4’10 and loove the big guys haha

Bumping up…

would love opinions on the bowbalance stirrups and seat cushion brands

and possibly some coth jingles for the big guy who is still lame 3 weeks in from a shoe twist!

I LOVE my bow balance! Even tho they flex, they aren’t floppy. It’s just enough to take some shock out. And they’re still easy to pick up since they are ‘partially turned’. (I just tried some that were completely turned and my leg felt nekkid!).

Seat savers:
I don’t like the closed cell foams like the tush cush. Reason being that you can get some rebound from sitting the trot - and that makes me hurt.

If you’re someplace it doesn’t get stinkin hot, Heather Moffet’s seat savers are my fave! Really cushy and still supportive. But when it gets stinkin hot they can bottom out.

Second favorite is a nice, thick sheepskin. I hear good reviews about JMS ones and just ordered one for my new Western saddle.

Haven’t tried gel - but since most of the covers are vinyl I didn’t really want to…

I can’t help you much other than to give you jingles especially on the new meds! My free advice (worth what you pay for it lol) is to be patient in figuring out meds…it can take a while to get things right but it is well worth the trouble.

I don’t use a seat cushion- my saddle is pretty cushy lol. I also still use just regular irons. I really want to change to the reins like you have but or bad days I use electrical tape wrapped around where I hold the reins to make them fatter so I can just wedge them in my hands. It does the job for now.

I find stirrup wise that having good comfy boots helps me the most- good ankle support helps me a lot. Also just making sure I am in a well fitting saddle so everything is aligned right helps a lot too.

So…lots of jingles from my way :yes:

I like the woolskin seat savers. Better than anything else. they are not cheap but they last and are cushy. ’

love my bow balance. really make a difference.

I LOVED my bow-balance stirrups too–until it got too hot for me to wear my half-chaps.
I loved that I no longer had to concentrate on keeping my heels down.
But when I took my half-chaps off for the summer I found that the stirrup leather no longer wrapped around my shin, which greatly adds to my security. I had noticed when wearing my half-chaps that my feet were less stable but sort of shrugged it off until I rode just in my jodhpurs (sp?) and realized that the edges of the stirrup leathers were rubbing against my shin bone. I am keeping them on my dressage saddle since I don’t have as much weight in my stirrup, but I changed back to the Peacocks for my jumping saddle.
I’ve got two pairs of the bow-balance stirrups, now I look at the ones I can’t use and I am wondering what to do with them.

Jackie- Can I ask where you got your peacock stirrups? I can only find the kid sized ones but am very worried about getting my ankle caught when I go back to riding.
Teddy- sending jingles for your big guy and good luck with the new meds.

[QUOTE=Jackie Cochran;5004213]
I’ve got two pairs of the bow-balance stirrups, now I look at the ones I can’t use and I am wondering what to do with them.[/QUOTE]

you could send them my way ;):lol:

Thanks for the suggestions/support it really helps.

update I stoped taking celebrex it was too hard on my stomach so back to square one.

Horsie needs a chiro visit and his shivers is acting up so more jingles would be apreciated!