eWell Life | eWell Puck | Made in Virginia, USA
A small wearable device to create “eight paths to wellness”. Anybody heard of it? Supposedly it uses the same technology that’s in the Tad Coffin smart tree saddles.
eWell Life | eWell Puck | Made in Virginia, USA
A small wearable device to create “eight paths to wellness”. Anybody heard of it? Supposedly it uses the same technology that’s in the Tad Coffin smart tree saddles.
I heard about it on a podcast. I am a bit of a skeptic but I also sleep on a grounding sheet and its freaking amazing so idk. If and when I ever get some expendable cash I might buy it and try it. But its the same price as a massage for my horse and I know those are 100% beneficial.
I wanted one of the pads but at 280.00 a month, he can keep it.
This sounds like that fad from about 15 years ago where vendors were selling copper bracelets and copper plates to attach to saddle billets that would magically improve your and your horse’s balance.
I attended one of Tad’s demo about 7 years ago and as someone in the science and engineering world I pretty much disregarded a lot of his pitch after the first 20 minutes when he made several completely inaccurate assertions about how certain technology works.
He makes a nice saddle, although I personally find them uncomfortable, but I put little stock in some of the scientific principles he claims in products like the thera-tree and this new offering.
I think I heard the same podcast with him!
My rational brain stopped short of actually buying it, but I am still tempted. So I will be really curious to hear any stories of people who use it. Maybe there are enough anecdotes to equal data here
I also heard of it on the podcast and was intrigued for sure! I have a very sensitive Ottb who I wonder if he would benefit from this, but just can’t bring myself to actually buy it. Waiting for someone to chime in with their experience with it!
Thats the podcast!
I am a bit more woo-woo than I used to be, as my horse responds well to crystals and all kinds of unique things. His massage therapist is amazing and uses many things I have never heard of amethyst, metal spoons, and different chakra things. The crazy thing is my horse responds and loves it. He gets so relaxed and zen-like.
I’m not discounting it, but I’m also not an early adaptor.
Giving really hog washy energy. Hydrating cells through feeding them infrared light that we are starved for in normal life. A carbon plastic puck that is an emf shield. I feel like they are just throwing words like piezoelectricity around with no evidence.
The evidence? video one, how to clip an item to different areas of clothing. Video two, some guy huffing while hauling on a kettle bell as a “test” of how it helps. Video three, a horse in the cross ties licking and chewing.
A what sheet?
Grounding sheet.
Yes. You can buy a sheet, pad and all kinds of grounding things now. I use Hooga for all my unique shopping. You can use your hsa/fsa dollars.
Here are some studies so you don’t think I’m total nutter.
Is this the same “technology” as in the saddle that can “prevent colic” and a bunch of other veterinary issues and that TC has had about a decade to subject to proper peer review and never gets around to (but promises he will, when he gets to it). If so, I’ve got a bridge to sell you…
Or is it a new technology that someone with no actual veterinary or scientific training has managed to invent? First the tree that could fit any horse back like magic, then the saddle that cures colic, now the wearable device that can cure anything! It’s astounding that the NIH hasn’t come knocking at his door!
lol grounding sheets crack me up. It feels like selling time to a clock - it seems like the best way to do this would be to… go outside and stand in the grass barefoot? It’s like the negative ion craze - the actual science essentially says we benefit physically and mentally from being outside in nature, around dirt and water. Unlike negative ions (which come from flowing water and RADIATION), grounding sheets are probably harmless.
Anyway. I love my Tad Coffin saddle and would buy another. I don’t buy into the rest of the woo, myself. I am curious about reviews from anyone who ultimately buys this!