Tail Lights

As someone who has experienced a very near miss while riding down a road, I have been interested in these. But the price, about $500 or so, seemed a bit much for me.

But right now, I was able to pre-order the new version for about half.


I have no interest in the business except as a customer. Just FYI.

That’s really cool!

Yeah, that’s what I thought too. Shipping brings them up to about $300, but that’s still doable for my budget. What’s better, is that with the charging/battery system, I don’t have to worry about what saddle to use it with.

This is what I got MYSELF for Christmas…

I was one of the first people to get the original version. I’ve got a video here where I play around with the settings. However, I still haven’t used it because I have yet to figure out how to keep the damn thing from sliding down my horse’s tail :smiley:

I have the original version too and I love them!! It was a little tricky to set up since my horse is an Arabian and believes his tail is a flag.

When they come in, I’ll probably have to ask you what you did to make it work. My mare’s tail was not broken, but trained by her previous owner. It doesn’t always show, but she can have a bit of that up-down drape sometimes. If she does that while wearing the lights, I can see where that might be an issue. I’ve never tried to put any sort of wrap on her tail.

You can buy battery powered led light strings for a few bucks from Brookstone or amazon and pin them in your horses’ tails for far less money.

It is a good idea but over priced.

Wow is that over priced.

Now, this brings to mind that poster years ago who was riding at night with a head lamp!! Remember that? Who was that, Auventera or someone? Nothing like a moving light to make your horse spook away from you, where they can never get away from you on their back. Sheesh.

Anyway, I am sure there are alot of ways to get these kinds of things on your horse without spending that money.

I don’t bike, but I’m sure there are lights for bikes that can be attached to the back of the saddle, or your own back, or your legs, or something.

I’ve ridden at night before, using both reflective pieces of tack, and lights.

Found some little tiny snap-on glow balls (different colors) that were dirt cheap and lasted quite a while. You could easily attach them to the tail.

The tail light is a cool idea, but I’d never spend that much money on it. Can easily come up with a cheaper DIY alternative.

Well, but, why don’t you go get those glow sticks that they make for kids to wear as necklaces, etc. and just clip them into your horse’s tail with a cheap hair clip or ponytail holder? You could put the bracelet-size ones around the horse’s fetlocks, too. I think that could cost you about $1 per use…


I Googled stirrup lights but apparently they don’t make them anymore; I remember reading about someone having one in one of the old English horse novels.

Good tips from the BHS:

Rule 50: Other clothing

You should wear boots or shoes with hard soles and heels, light-coloured or fluorescent clothing in daylight, and reflective clothing if you have to ride at night or in poor visibility.
Rule 51: At night

It is safer not to ride on the road at night or in poor visibility, but if you do, make sure you wear reflective clothing and your horse has reflective bands above the fetlock joints. A light, which shows white to the front and red to the rear, should be fitted with a band to the rider’s right arm and/or leg/riding boot. If you are leading a horse at night, carry a light in your right hand, showing white to the front and red to the rear, and wear reflective clothing on both you and your horse. It is strongly recommended that your horse also wears a fluorescent/reflective tail guard.

I guess here in the US that would be the left arm and/or leg/boot.

Here are glow in the dark adhesive strips for 3.00. You could put it on a tail bag.

Also, that Volvo spray paint. You could spray it on a tail bag or any fabric/helmet. Not sure if it is for sale yet, though. There might be some other types available as well.

Maybe it ~is~ a bit more money, but I learned years ago that “The right tool, for the right job” is almost always the best policy. The Tail Lights are designed to do what they do, so for me, that takes away some of the risk that might be associated with trying to “make do” with something else. I saw them in use at the ABQ Balloon Festival this year on the MP horses and I was pretty sold. YMMV.

I agree - those things look cumbersome and expensive!

13’ of flashing or static EL wire with a little battery pack for $18 - you can get all sorts of EL wire kits if you google: https://www.etsy.com/listing/183803982/13-foot-4m-el-wire-kit?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_a-craft_supplies_and_tools-other&utm_custom1=58247f5c-9634-e2c8-c21c-00001bae3bb2&gclid=CjwKEAiAy7SzBRD_lv7quOnr6XUSJAAOLkW6sv-DQqdFrTCuRrdmlsCN8NJeVlh6zCY5SejolNC--xoC_efw_wcB

Even Chicks has a little flashing tail decor for $3.99 - might not be v bright: http://www.chicksaddlery.com/page/CDS/PROD/FB2500

Of course there are loads of other reflective and lighted horse safety products - mostly available in the UK where riding in the road is more common. Lots of them combine fluorescent (bright colored) with reflective (reflects car lights brightly) and led lights. I think it’s safest to combine - works best in all situations.