Cold Laser Therapy
Cold Laser or LLLT is one of the best kept secrets in the equine industry. We use it on a daily basis for a myriad of conditions.
My FEI horse pulled a suspensory last Jan, we used laser and stall rest as protocol, instead of 6 months off , Ultrasound found him 100% at 3 months, back to work no issues. ( may I also say he’s 19 and going strong)
Laser is amazing for sore back SI and hip issues.
unrelated to horses, I myself suffer from speratic mouth ulcers. Dr say there is nothing I can do just let them run the course of 10 days. They are so pain full that a person can not eat or speak while they are active. I had heard that cats were being treated with LLLT for a similar problem. I went to my dentist and asked him about laser treatments for myself. He did the first treatment on 4 ulcers and within a day they were gone.
Since then I use my laser at the first sign of an out break, because lasers stimulate cell regeneration, it actually fast forwards the healing cycle. No more problems.
We have many case studies that we have documented on horses about LLLT. While not scientific they are anecdotal, but for myself and the horses owners that I have worked on that seems to be enough.
We here at M.A.E.R.C . use the Grady P 3000 medical vet laser.
Please feel free to PM, if you would like web site link and further information on treatments and protocols.
As far as cost the range can be $2500 to $25000. Its not about price but the amount of joules and the mW. You should be able to get a good laser somewhere in the price range of 2-4K, and be very happy with results.