Background: I have a 36x40 pole barn, 2 stalls and a tack on one side, 2 stalls, a wash rack, and feed room on the other. Traditional style stall fronts with wood/metal bars and fully closed in rooms for feed and tack. Traditional, flat bottomed trusses sit 16’ high and lights are mounted to those.
Right now, I have three of the below down the aisle, centered in a line, and they do a decent job of lighting the barn. Not workshop quality lighting at horses feet, but plenty of light for 99% of anything of I do (to be honest, I haven’t ever thought to myself “I need more light here” unless I was IN the stalls). I have two additional lights over the wash rack, and I’ll tell you what, combined with the white metal walls in there, it’s BRIGHT. My farrier loves it.
Been very happy with the setup, I have maybe one light in the wash rack that flickers every now and then, but none of the others do. The LEDs don’t use much energy and they’re waterproof/dust proof. The plan is to put one of these lights splitting the stall dividing walls to light up those some more. I don’t think I need more than half of the illumination from one light in the stalls, but I’m not obsessive about seeing super bright all the way to the floor in there and I know some people are (Not hating on this, btw. Totally understand why, but my guys just aren’t in much.). If I was interested in that, they have half sized ones and I’d put one on each side to solve that problem.