Talk to me about PATH certification

Hoping to just hear experiences from people who have become certified. The ups, the downs, the good, the bad and the ugly! What was your favorite part? What was the hardest part? What does life after certification look like? If you could do something differently, what would it be? Are you happy with your certification?

I know everyone has a different experience and that is why I want to hear it all. I’m researching getting my certification and am having a hard time getting a hold of the intern trainer at the local accredited center. So, while I wait for a response let me hear your thoughts!

I’ve been PATH certified for a year and have been involved in therapeutic riding for five years. I really enjoyed the workshop. If you don’t have a lot of experience with therapeutic riding, you might consider doing the workshop first and the certification later. You have a year from your workshop to get your certification.

I liked student teaching and I had a great mentor. Make sure you’re getting feedback after every single class you teach. Continue to student teach even after you’ve done your hours.

Take the testing very seriously. The riding test is not a joke. 75% of my group failed the test. I felt that the teaching test was actually easier. I have heard that PATH plans on making both more difficult.

I work at two riding centers. At one center we offer TR, hippo therapy and EFP and I am involved in all three. I’m also the trainer there, so part of my job involves finding and training horses suitable for the classes we offer.

I am very happy I got certified and really enjoy my work. I like to watch other instructors teach and get ideas for my own classes. Everyone brings something interesting to the table. I’m going to the PATH conference in October and am looking forward to talking to people about the industry and seeing what other centers are doing. It’s important to stay up to date in this industry.

Make sure you look into scholarships for your workshop.

I hope that answered some of your questions. Let me know if I can answer anything else.

Good luck to you!

Can you give me some more info on TR, Hippo and EFP? I’ve researched and such but it’d be nice to get the point of view from a trainer.

Thanks for your reply!

At the center where I work, TR is a riding lesson, the rider learns riding skills and moves up the levels. We have 4 levels, and once they get through level four, they graduate from our program. We do currently have one level four rider who is working with one of our instructors (who is a dressage trainer) and she’s continuing to work on dressage with the goal to show. Obviously some of our riders will never move past level one or two, but the goal is to learn some basic skills.

We have adult and pediatric hippotherapy. The instructors only job in the arena is for safety of horses, riders, volunteers. The therapist (can be a physical, occupational or speech) actually facilitates the lesson. When things are going well, it’s the easiest job ever.

In EFP, the instructor works with a mental health professional, either in a group or individual class, and facilitates the class. The therapist will usually talk about what they want to work on (anger issues, etc.) and the instructor will come up with an exercise or activity that the therapist can use. We do a lot of breathing type exercises. I am an equine massage therapist as well, so I will show clients some massage moves, which is a great way to teach somebody about the horses body language.

We also teach EFL. The instructor teaches the class and it’s generally ground work and basic horsemanship. I do some mounted classes as well, but that’s not the main focus.

Are you anywhere near Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center? They’re in Redmond and are supposed to be amazing. I’ve never been but a friend of mine has and she says it’s an outstanding center and worth a visit.

I forgot I started this thread! Thanks for the breakdown Darby!

I am near Little Bit. They seem to be very hard to get a hold of. This is not number one on my priority list but when it moves up I will have to do my internship and certification with them as they are the only accredited place that is close enough.