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Talk to me about pigs

What a nice little pen for them. Much better than roaming around and not having anyone to spoil you.

They have two pools now? :rofl: The condo is perfect as a shelter and I bet they are happy to be out in the sunshine. They don’t look much bigger to me so you might have lucked out on adult size.

If you have the means to set up electric, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to train them to it as a step before letting them free range.


That looks like a great little setup for them.

Just a word of advice from a former pig farmer- you should either run a hot wire along the bottom of your fence or bury the bottom of your hog panels. Pigs love to dig, and can and will dig out.


Well, just an update. The girls are doing well! They are very friendly and you cannot step foot outside without them squealing for attention. I give them time outside their pen, and they come running when you call them. I never thought I would own, and enjoy pigs!


thank you for giving them a great home!
Post more pics please!


They are so cute and it doesn’t look like they’ll get too big. If/when they bust the baby pools, these sandboxes are a good replacement and can usually be found on craigslist.

Oh lord
When my DH sees these :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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They are happy and is it me or did they get bigger?

They look bigger!! So cute and I’m so excited to follow your journey with them. Please post updates and pics of the cuties.

They’re too cute. It looks like they’re staying.

Shade cloth is a great addition to pig pools. Would you like a link to show your husband? :slight_smile:

We were just talking last night how they have grown some. My husband thinks their coats are shiner too :rofl::rofl::rofl:. They seem very happy. Daisy got in the pasture with the horses, and of course got chased. She ran right to the pen! I think they realize they are safe. We were talking about winterizing their pen last night. So I am sure DH is going to make a winter condo of some sort.


He liked the sand areas had covers​:rofl::rofl::rofl: sure, send the link!

Oh yes, the first time we let them out of the pen DH was like a worried mother.

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You can see the shade cloth on T-posts at the beginning but they show more sandbox pools and cute babies until the 11 minute mark. Amazon sells the shade cloth in various sizes and colors. They can be zip tied or bungee corded to anything and even wrapped on your fence if you want to block sun from the side.

I use a couple of these pools stacked

inside each other, they last longer that way.

That’s a great idea! Thanks!