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Talk to me about pigs

I have a mini/Julianna, about 198 pounds, 11 years old. She lives in the house and is my favorite pet. We are lucky she doesn’t root as long as her pool has clean water in it. The two you have look very young, I would say under a year. I love my to pieces, but I will never have another, to hard to travel and arrange care, and I wouldn’t want 2, they are fare too intelligent for their own good. Good luck.

years ago we watched pig races at a statefaire. it was hysterical. Of course the announcer was funny: ‘He wouldn’t want to risk a hamstring injury…’

I LOVE pigs. and if I could figure out how to make them a really great space on my farm, I would definitely have a couple. However, they aren’t going to just show up here, in this area. I guess that’s good news for the piggies- they aren’t out looking for a safe spot around here.

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You never know! That’s how I got mine! They just appeared :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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They seem so nice yet so clueless. Funny video, pig zoomies are the best.

I used to board at a place with pigs. They were interesting but had a couple litters, the babies were precious.

Of all the homesteading channels I watch, they are the most likely to have a good set up before getting animals and learn from their mistakes. That was back in 2020 and they moved to a larger property this year and added a couple steers and a breeding pair of Kunekune pigs. Still a little nervous but it’s been smooth sailing so far.

This just popped up on youtube. Cute but I feel a little sorry for piggies living on the top floor of a retail building.

Any updates @spotnnotfarm? I’m curious to know if they are still welcome to stay. LOL

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Yes! We are behind building an outdoor pen because my husband has been sick most of the week. However, he has been looking up fencing and housing :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Hopefully, we will build it tomorrow. I bought them pig food and plenty of fresh vegetables. I am working on getting them easier to handle. Daisy, the all black one, is letting me scratch her back while she eats. Tulip is still skittish, but will stand by me when she eats.

They are super cute! I am enjoying having them around.


Yay! Could you safely let them out into the barn aisle for a little play time? Getting them to follow you back into the stall for meals helps peak their interest in what you’re doing. They’re also suspicious by nature so teaching them nothing bad will happen if they go into a new place is a good tool to have for later.


I am going to wait until we have the permanent pen for them. We did not get to it today because hubby is still under the weather. Hopefully next week!

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They’re very cute… and now I want a pig.

Piggy update?

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They are doing well! Still in the stall but all we have left is to build a shelter. Hopefully it will be done by Sunday! They are getting friendlier and getting used to being touched. I think once they are outside and can see all around them, it will get better. Husband has lost his mind over them and fed them our dinner vegetables, and is talking about getting them fans :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I see a bigger hog barn in your future…

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Aren’t they just piggies when they aren’t dinner? :kissing_heart:


LOL, sure, Ok…

Of course they need fans in the summer and fuzzy blankets in the winter. LOL


So, the pig condo is almost done. Is his working on the roof now. He painted it and added trim. We may try and move them out of the stall after dinner. I am a bit nervous since they are not fully tamed. However, they love ginger snaps, so hopefully it will go smoothly. I will let you know and take pictures!


We need photos of the pig condo!

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Ok, we finished and they are outside! Daisy, the smaller one literally ran after me for ginger snaps and was in the pen quickly. Tulip, is still a bit unsure and it took a good 10 minutes to get her to go in. Thank goodness she really loves her pig food!, As soon as she heard the bucket, she came willingly. They seem very happy to be out of the stall. They are rooting, eating some of the grass and investigating everything. Tulip keeps scratching herself on all the wood fencing.

The best part is, they come running to the fence when they see us! I think the fact the are out and can see is making them more social! I hope as they get tamer, I can start letting them out some. The condo will have a removable wall placed in the front for winter