Tall Boots and Disabilities

Hi all-

I live and ride with a rheumatological condition that is similar to both RA and lupus (that is a translation for Still’s Disease).

I like to school and ride in tall boots—but I am having to make accommodations, especially in winter, for limited hand functionality. Maybe in summer I could pull on boots without zips but never in winter!

How do you all with similar challenges deal with dressage dress boots! Do you always choose boots with zippers and gussets? Any particular suggestions? Any favorites for comfort?

I am currently riding in Ovation Mooreland boots in a larger size than normal–and I am treating them as “winter” and “wet weather” boots. It works, but they really don’t offer the feeling of good tall boots.


A friend of mine has MS and absolutely cannot wear non-zip boots anymore. Unfortunately for her dressage queen heart, she’s starting to have issues with dress boots in general and is looking at having to switch to field boots only, so she can loosen the ankle to get them on, and then snug them up for support once they’re on and zipped.

She’s pretty heartbroken, because she’s had her Koenigs for decades, as pull-ons, then had to get zippers put in so she could continue wearing them, and now she can hardly get into them anymore :frowning:

She got a pair of Ariat Bromonts for winter this year (or last year, I can’t remember) and she’s been liking them. I think she sized up as well for plenty of room for layering as she’s more sensitive to the cold these days.

I wonder if dress boots with the zips that wrap around a bit, and have the bottom of the zip on the top of the foot, would be any easier to get on and off, without having to switch to field boots over dress boots. Still not the classic smooth look, but might be worth trying out?

I do not have any conditions except being older and stiffer and I do not want to pull on tall boots. I haven’t worn pull ons for over ten years. Get a front zip dress boot. I LOVE them. Ovation had the best for under $200, but they don’t seem to make them any more. Mountain Horse Victoria are a good front zip dress boot.


Oooh. On sale. $165

I understand the struggle. I have a C7 SCI and while my finger function is decent all things considered, it leaves a lot to be desired. I have DeNiro dress boots with front zippers that I have attached a longer leather “tab” to the zipper pull so that I don’t have to hang onto something so small. It works pretty well!

Thanks for the ideas! Yes, I also have to attach a long tab to any zippered boots to have a shot :slight_smile:

I had a pair of Mountain Horse dress boots that I really liked and could wear (rear zip) but the zipper is blown.

Thanks for the ideas! Yes, I also have to attach a long tab to any zippered boots to have a shot :slight_smile:

I had a pair of Mountain Horse dress boots that I really liked and could wear (rear zip) but the zipper is blown.[/QUOTE]

Hi from the UK!
Not sure if they ship to US, but came across this forum when looking for something similar as I have a leg injury that means mine struggle to fit comfortably in off-the-shelf boots. However, i did find these https://www.throstlenestsaddlery.co.uk/ariat-reg-monaco-stretch-tall-zip-boots-black.html which were stretchy enough to accommodate!

I pull the zipper up with the hoof pick, but the leather tab sounds great!!!