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Tapes or DVDs of Eventing x-co

If ANYONE taped or recorded on DVD any or all of the xco today if you are willing to make a copy please send me a PM or email. I will BUY it from you !! I am hoping to get all of the xco if possible but at this point we’ll take what we can get as I am sure the TV coverage in Sept will be average.


I don’t know that it’s on TV in the US? But the NBC coverage is going to be as good as they can make it, I’m sure. The DVDs are usually for sale a few months afterward.

I second that!

I would love to have the eventing and jumping on DVD. Please PM me too if anybody could do this.

Is there such thing as a video library for this type of thing? I wish one could rent DVD’s of all the big competitions - all disciplines…I could not ever afford to buy them all - always wishing could rent them…

re guarding origional post…

My origional post was for people OUTSIDE the US…who might have taped the x co.

[QUOTE=Boston Chicken;1841960]
I don’t know that it’s on TV in the US? But the NBC coverage is going to be as good as they can make it, I’m sure. The DVDs are usually for sale a few months afterward.[/QUOTE]

Sorry for replying.

I’m still all set up from taping the freestyles…
… Might be able to help you out - as long as you don’t mind that I’m taping over old movies etc. Must be willing to pay shipping from Canada. :slight_smile:

The eventing is being broadcast tonight - if anyone wants a copy pm with your address.
I also have the dressage freestyles if anyone’s interested! :slight_smile:


found someone…Thanks to everyone who replied

I found someone to tape the xco for me… thanks : ) to everyone who replied

I’m still all set up from taping the freestyles…
… Might be able to help you out - as long as you don’t mind that I’m taping over old movies etc. Must be willing to pay shipping from Canada. :slight_smile:

The eventing is being broadcast tonight - if anyone wants a copy pm with your address.
I also have the dressage freestyles if anyone’s interested! :slight_smile:
