Tapizar Dead

Just read where Tapizar has been euthanized as a result of an accident in his stall at the Gainesway quarantine barn.

Wow. My first thought is how tragic. My second is that I wouldn’t want to be the person making that phone call. I wonder if the contract explicitly stated that the money is owed only if he arrived in Japan alive.


Tapizar (Tapit–Winning Call, by Deputy Minister), who was set to be shipped to Japan to stand stud at Yushun Stallion Station for the 2021 season, was euthanized after an accident in his stall at the Gainesway quarantine barn Tuesday night. The 12-year-old was scheduled to travel in mid-January.

Two losses today :frowning:

I’d be assuming Tapizar was insured with either/both Gainesway and/or Yushun Stallion Station being the beneficiaries.