TB Pedigree for Sport *Update 2023 Take2 Thoroughbred Hunter Champion

That is awesome!! Congrats on the win. Post some pics of your lovely horse!


@mimeismoney, that’s terrific! We’d love to see pictures. :slight_smile:


I’d love to see a photo too! Congratulations!

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Here’s a link to the press release!

And a photo from Winslow Photography with Jeff

Thank you all so much!


And a photo of Phoenix and I this summer at WEC Ohio


Well done! Gottobeperfect lived up to his name, thanks to the hard work by you and him both, as well as your friends and helpers. He looks so lovely.

I’m thrilled to bits for you. What a great achievement. :hugs:

For some reason the photo of you and Phoenix at WEC Ohio won’t load. Is there another way for us to see it?

That is a fantastic achievement. It provides inspiration for others who love their TBs

I edited the link, hopefully that fixes it!
Thank you so much for this, I can’t believe that I started this thread so long ago and this is where we are. I’m so lucky and grateful that I found my boy all those years ago.


Love a full circle story! You guys look fab together!

I saw your photo on the other thread, but love to see a full circle story and update like this. He really lives up to his name. :heart_eyes: What a wonderful job you’ve done with him!

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Thank you! I sure hope so!

Thank you!

Thank you beowulf! You were one of the earliest responders to this thread. It’s been beyond what I imagined with him from the very get-go.

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