“Fair enough.” (we walk towards the gate)
“Whoa.” (pony stops & spins to face me)
“No, no, pony! I need to be BEHIND you.” (I try walk around him, attempting to keep the lines from wrapping around his neck.)
I don’t think anyone addressed this. The trick is to use a sursingle or harness with the lines very low -so they run along the thigh of the horse, rather than on top of the croup. If you are using a harness, you can run the lines through the tugs (sometimes called the shaft loop holders) and then you can go through the britchen rings (or a carribeaner or line holders attached to the ring). That way, when they turn and spin, you have the lines alongside their butt, rather on the top of their croup. With this set-up, they can’t spin. Once they learn to spin, this is a great way to stop the behavior in its tracks. I can find a photo, if I am not being clear…