So… just how do you teach a wee pony to ground drive?
<feel free to be appalled>
Just to see what would happen, I put the pony in a surcingle yesterday and hitched my long lines to his halter. Led him into the arena, shut the gate, and removed the lead rope.
“Say whuh?” he said. “I want to go stand by the gate.”
“No, no. Let’s walk over here.” (I hold the lines under his chin and lead him forward)
sigh “OK”
“Now can we walk a bit with me ‘driving’ you?” (I step behind him)
“How about if we walk back to the gate? I can do THAT.”
“Fair enough.” (we walk towards the gate)
“Whoa.” (pony stops & spins to face me)
“No, no, pony! I need to be BEHIND you.” (I try walk around him, attempting to keep the lines from wrapping around his neck.)
Repeat variations of the above, as I offer thanks that no one was around to witness this. :lol:
We fumbled around for probably 15 minutes or so, and I eventually got him to walk in a crude approximation of a circle, as if we were making a circuit of the arena (~ 25 x 30 meter arena), with me behind him, “driving” him.
Much praise & cookies ensued.
So what SHOULD I have done? Do I need to enlist Mr. RAR’s help to walk by his head and provide occasional guidance while I “drive” him? Should I not even bother to try this again until we have a bridle?
The unsuspecting victim… er, student.
“No good can come of this,” says the pony.