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Tell me about the Koehler method of dog training

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And, because I was curious, read a bit about The Koehler Method and all I gotta say is :eek:


Not sure how this thread got resurrected. I’m the OP, I got this dog in 2013 and did not end up going to work with that trainer, as she was about a 5 hour drive away and I have excellent local training support for my dogs. I ended up doing nosework with him, which he LOVED. Having a fun job doing nosework helped more with his behavior than any obedience type classes did. In nosework class he got to be a very good boy and get lots of treats just for finding smells, which he thought was the most amazing thing ever. It helped with his confidence, which helped with all his other “bad” behaviors which were reactionary and fear-driven.

He settled in well and enjoyed life on the farm, then in 2017 was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma and passed away about a week later. It was absolutely hearbreaking, but it felt good to know he went from bouncing around through 8 homes in 3 years to spending the rest of his life in one home, with a couple of dog friends and weekly excursions to nosework. He was not an easy dog, especially at first, but I loved him very much and miss him greatly.


I realize my answer is 11 years old, but in case it helps someone who found this post the same way I did (a Google Search) I thought I’d mention that I am currently reading the book.

When you asked, “is it as harsh as it sounds”? Keep in mind that the really harsh stuff is in response to dogs that are attacking their owners.