So, yesterday, I took my 3 1/2 year old on a “Poker Ride” It was supposed to last 2 hours, had two creek crossing, lots of mud, some rocky terrain, fields, woods, etc. There were water stops, where you pick up your card, to build your poker hand. My friend and I were running late, and her nutty TB was SO nutty that she had to get off, and head back to the trailer. I chose to go ahead by myself, not having any idea what my youngster would do.
We had a BLAST!! I was able to just relax on her, and let her choose her own geer - she likes to GO. She’s a paint crossed with I think a TWH, so while she doesn’t rack, she canters almost like a Walker, and can canter for ever without getting winded.
SO, I know that this doesn’t mean we are ready for an official Endurance ride, and I don’t really care about the competitive thing, but if conditioned, could there be a future for us, or would I be laughed at, for riding the vertically challenged mount?