Well, Miss Mare has voted and it appears she prefers to be a western horse. She recently had two bone infections and since the second one, she doesn’t seem to want to jump. She’s sound and she will do it if I ask, but I can tell she isn’t pleased, so I imagine it’s a bit uncomfortable. So jumping is out, at least for a good long while. She just seems happier in her western tack and I seem to ride better in that tack anyway. Her happiness is paramount.
The western tack was supposed to be just an “occasional” thing, so I only have one saddle pad. I really love the pad - it fits her well, provides a good amount of cushion and is nice looking too. But it’s HOT - it doesn’t take much to get her lathered under the pad.
This is what we are currently using: http://www.pleasantridge.ca/index.php/western-tack/saddle-pads/pad-southwest-cut-back-built-up-1.html
I haven’t really sorted out what we’re going to be doing discipline wise - I’m toying with barrel racing but that may be too high impact. She loves to be trail ridden so trail or extreme cowboy races are definitely something I’m interested in. I’m hoping to start taking western lesson so we can set some goals. I’m not sure if discipline impacts pad choice in the western world.
So tell me about pads - your favourite brands, styles, materials, ect. Help would be greatly appreciated. I am looking to stay under $150 CAN price wise, but could go higher for the right pad.