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Tell me about your difficult horses that turned out well

OP so happy to see your update!

I would like to think I’m past halfway though hell. :smiley:

My girl really has been better every ride since my instructor was here. I think she is starting to enjoy having more questions thrown at her now that she isn’t so stuck. I hauled her out for a lesson on Wednesday and we worked on stretchy trot to keeping the feeling in a swingy shoulder in, and it was lovely. Last night I was replicating that, and then thought, let’s see what happens if I try this exercise I use with my other mare - shoulder in, keep the angle and ride a couple steps off the rail, then LY back in SI position. She immediately got it and we did two reps down the long side. I suspect that she’s going to get more engaged as she learns that riding can be more than me just nagging her to GO as she is a smarty pants and needs to have her brain kept busy.

:point_up_2:Really good horsemanship right there :point_up_2:

My first thought was: Ditch that trainer and start over from scratch.

I’d had some decent experience riding-into-training some hot horses. I think it wasn’t until i had the second really hot one going as a liberty horse that i fully understood just how very much a connection with horse changed the paradigm.

Ok, so i suppose it’s woo. But that bond, that alone could make a profound change in your rides on your horse. As-in partnership.

My coach says that my horses all have one thing in common, they work to please me. They want to do what i want. And, we take it slow, VERY slow, in the beginning.
I ride from the bond. And, for my own safety as well as my philosophical approach to animals, don’t get on one of my new green mustangs until i feel they are ‘mine’.

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