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Tell me - French Bulldogs

I am a dog person and have two small dachshunds/always have had a family dog too but my SO’s roommates have two Frenchies and I rarely ever will say this - but I hate them. Unfortunately, this is mainly because of the owners. They were into the ‘let’s get a cute puppy’ fad and are never home, barely take care of them, and the dogs don’t have great training which definitely has led to them not being good dogs. Luckily they are house trained and crate trained (mainly because they spend a majority of the day in there half the time.) The male isn’t neutered because they wanted to potentially make money off of breeding him (:mad:) but they are inexperienced with that and it has fortunately yet to go through. I do feel bad and my SO tries to help out as much as he can but he isn’t a fan of them either and at the end of the day they aren’t his responsibility. They have a third dog as well but she’s at least quieter but has had a lot of health issues.

From what I’ve seen/hear, they typically have breathing issues so a good vet is key. Definitely spay/neuter! Also, I definitely believe in a quality dog food/diet and proper training.

Love them - but unfortunatley see a LOT of them in through the referral hospital. Definitely get pet insurance. They often need soft palate done, and mares. As well they are prone to aspiration phemonia, heat stroke and congenital spinal abnormalities that can lead to severe back pain or paralysis. Luckily all their issues are usually fixable and insurance is a way to ensure you’re likely not going to habe a lemon!!

Don’t blame the poor dog for their owners, but that is often the case. Especially those handbag toy dogs. Never have a normal life.

Daschies - we have had two and they are lovely little things, too. But this Frenchie is the darnedest cutest little dumpling. Cheeky and brave, too.

I have to agree that breeding an animal so prone to health issues is a real problem. They literally even struggle to breathe - that’s ludicrous.

The Uk is considering banning breeding the English bulldog for that reason and Norway and the Netherlands already have, along with other short faced breeds.

ETA well that was a zombie thread resurrection! Oh well…