My horse is in quarantine recovering from salmonellosis. He was hospitalized April 21 for two weeks, nearly died.
I am doing 100% self care at a place 30 minutes drive, twice a day. But (assuming newest fecal samples still test positive) I am moving him to a place which will be able to provide some support next week.
He’s completely lost all muscle tone (we were doing 2L dressage), and has a thrombophlebitis and still super sensitive GI with randoms gas colics. He has what we think are dust allergies (barn is SUPER dusty) and so breathes weird. But has been checked by my vet several times (heart lungs clear, latest CBC was all WNL).
I worry all the time.
LSS: looking for some experiences recovering after something like this. Long rehabs, the anxiety, sleeplessness.
Also ways to help him chillax that are not magnesium based. Currently using an equine pheromone product that seems to help.