Tell Me Your Experiences with Rotator Cuff Sholder Surgery

I did a search and got some sporadic answers, so forgive me if this has been beaten to death.

I am in week five and look forward to getting sling off next week. Am able to feed four horses but hay is a struggle. Just have never been this long without riding in 34 years. It feels weird. Had to lead a horse yesterday. (My horses are on my property and I have some bit of help from DH and teen boys who muck out, also a trusted gal who helps us excersize)
The PT says I won’t be riding until June, but I think with help I could hack in April. Anyway, any advice or input will be sincerely contemplated!

Does your PT know anything about riding? I was back in the saddle approximately a week or two after the wretched sling came off. I am too old, fat, and arthritic to not use a mounting block, so i didnt feel compelled to do anything heroic like placing a hand on the pommel and vaulting up there…

I dont have the best range of motion in the world but shoulder is a lot better than it was before surgery and does what i need it to do. I am glad my saddles are lightweight, but i was glad about that before the rotator cuff tore, too.Theres some residual stiffness that means i have to modify how I groom but I could catch, lead, tack up and trim hooves a lot sooner than 4-6 months.

Thanks for that! Encouraging, feel like the light at the end of the tunnel just got bigger.

It does suck, doesn’t it. How did you get the injury?

Depends on how bad the tear was and how extensive the repairs were. I’ve had both shoulders done: one took a year to feel anything like normal, the other was pretty much okay at six months out. My tears were massive and large, respectively.

I do not know how I injured that thing. It has been hurting for years.