Temporary forum for Elections?

Would it be possible to have a temporary Elections or Politics forum, just through the end of the year?

There are many other non-political questions but they get buried under the onslaught of the political tit-for-tat barrage. I essentially like the OT forum, but it’s so disheartening right now.

I know you guys have a lot to do already, but if this was in any way possible you would have my undying gratitude, over and above my appreciating for your rabid-cat herding skills!


So I guess that’s a no, eh?


In my worthless 2 cents opinion… not needed :slight_smile:

If I don’t like the sounds of the title or I’ve visited the thread and remember the title, just don’t read 'em…

Just means in the OT forum there are few few topics I am currently following but I’m okay with that :wink:

We just put up a Current Events forum to give a little separation a try. Let us know what you think and that everything is working as it should!

Thanks for the input!
Mod 1

Hooray COTH moderators! Everyone wins! I would vote (pun intended) that the new folder structure be retained past the election.

Hooray COTH moderators! Everyone wins! I would vote (pun intended) that the new folder structure be retained past the election.[/QUOTE]

That’s the plan, if things go OK. :slight_smile:

You guys are THE best! Thank you! :smiley: