So, I’m almost positive I have tendinitis in my wrist. I’ve had it for about for and a half months and it’s been getting increasingly worse. This past week it has gotten to the point that I am in pain doing simple things like going pee!!!
I’ve already adapted my work to give my wrist a break as much as possible but I can’t avoid the occasional need to dump a bag of grain or the daily need to dump buckets (I dump the heavy iced troughs with a good foot push). I haven’t been filling the the 5 gallon buckets as full but I can’t leave them empty when it’s going to be below freezing or the horses won’t have anything to drink.
I’m about a week out from heading down to NC (home), and being able to see my orthopedist (already had orthoscopic knee surgery last year).
So tell me, should I be making time to see a doctor last week, or is it okay to put my wrist off another week and protect it as much as possible? Any suggestions for a brace? I have a Back on Track wrist brace but it’s not particularly supportive.
I’d like to note that I have a lot of joint and muscle pain and damage because most of my joints are hyper mobile causing weakness and resulting in pain and/or injury.
I’ve been strength training with a personal trainer that uses a lot of body weight rather than weights but my wrist is beginning to make it very hard to exercise at all.
I’d like to note that I’m aware I’m rambling, and should probably have seen a doctor months ago, but could use some sound advice here (or maybe just a kick in the pants). XD