Tendon lump

Hi, my horse has this little lump on both his tendons, it s hard, cold and no lameness, it IS where thé Turnhout boot strap goes. I thought maybe an injury due to boots too tight? Tendinitis? Tia

How long has it been there? My TB mare has similar lumps, and her son has them in the same spot. He’s never worn boots, and she hasn’t in the 18 years I’ve had her, no idea about her brief stint of track life

I would Say a couple of months or more. Your mare IS tendinites ?

From behind it IS not swollen AT all

My mare is totally fine, no tendon issues. My vet said sometimes they just get blips and it’s just a blemish

Maybe blemish due to boots too tight?

And did they go away?

Still there, haven’t change a bit in 18 years

JB thanks, did you ultrasound it? Thé bump IS kind of thickening of thé skin?

nope, vet poked and prodded and said “just a thing”, and now that her 12yo son also has a couple, in almost the same spot, it’s definitely genetic

I have a 21 yr old mare retired some years ago due to bi lateral suspensory branch issues. She developed one of these maybe 18 months ago, not far below hock, hard, cold, no swelling or tenderness. She has never worn boots. Noticed more recently another 2, smaller, on the opposite leg. One of these is off center, the other directly on back of leg. Vet kind of shrugged at the first one, so I’m not worrying.
Edited to add: this horse’s are on hind legs. Am I seeing correctly that yours are front? Not sure it matters…

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Yes, front. And did your vet told you what could it bé?

She did not give me an official answer; much like JB’s vet the equivalent of “its just a thing”

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My guy has one exactly there on each front leg. They existed when he had his PPE done as a 5 yr old. They are still there and unchanged 5 years later. I have always assumed “just a thing”

I can also likely count on two hands (might need a few toes to include trailering) the number of times he’s worn boots.

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Thanks do you have a picture? Mine has some scuffy hair just at the site. Vet IS coming tomorrow, i really think it IS something related to boots but i do not know thé exact amount of damage.

I don’t have a picture, but can try to remember to take one Saturday. Good luck with the vet! Hopefully it’s nothing interesting.

So thé vet came today and thé tendon IS not touched so i feel better. Hé Said that it IS an inflammation of a vein that runs behind thé tendon.