Tendonitus struggles

Both forearms and elbows…chronic…can’t take NSAIDs…I use ice and heat and massage…I don’t think there’s anything more to do. Have done PT many times before over the years, too. Thyroid has been addressed…I so hate this condition and just wanted to vent

All that said, this is pretty minor compared to conditions others suffer so mostly , I just wanted to whine a bit.

Anyone use any supplements for this type of inflammation?

I hear you. I’ve got in my ankles. Not much can be done with it and it just plain sucks some days. I almost wrote your post on Sunday. It’s worse for me when it flares up after having been quiet. It’s hard to keep from hoping “maybe this time it’s really gone” and then it’s back and hits you like a load of bricks.

Then you feel like a tool whining about not being able to do stuff when others have cancer, etc. But the pain is real, and most people don’t deal with cancer for 30 or 40 years. You are free to whine away in my book.

I have tendonitis at times in my elbow and forearm. I have had the area injected with cortisone when it gets so I can’t tolerate it anymore. I was told by one doctor that it probably originates from issues that I have in my neck. I went for years without knowing this tidbit of info and once I learned it, it made sense because everytime my neck started to bug me I ended up with a bum elbow.
PT never helped me much and may have made it worse, so I don’t bother with it anymore.
Have you ever been checked for rheumatoid arthritis or similar forms af arthritis? I have the psoriatic kind and it involves the tendons (or maybe it’s the ligaments) as well as joints.
Sometimes I use a TENS unit and that helps temporarly.

It’s not whining if you really hurt and tendonitis really hurts! Alot :no:. I hope you feel better or at least find some relief soon.

ETA: has anyone tried tumeric? someone suggested it to me but I have not had time to research it and know nothing about it.

My sympathies. I tend to tendonitis. Most anywhere. Latest has been quad tendonitis in my left leg.

It seems like wherever sets in, it can take months if not a year plus to clear it up. My peroneal tendonitis in my left foot took over a year but finally, putting it in a boot for a month and using lateral heel wedges in my shoes have mostly cleared it up. It can take nothing to make it talk again. I can’t take anti-inflammatory doses of NSAID’s so make due with ice, Tylenol and lidocaine patches if it gets particularly painful. They do have some lidocaine patches over the counter now. Pricey but I think worth it for the relief. Can you do Voltaren Gel? An NSAID but not much systemic effect.

Again, my sympathies and jingles for the damn thing to go away.


Such nice reactions…thank you all for commiserating with me. I’ve damaged my kidneys using too much NSAIDs for too long so I’m reluctant to use voltaren much. Sometimes I have to…

I’m glad it’s winter and no shows for me right now so I can just take some time off.

Thanks again!

I get it in my shoulders (awful), elbows (usually marginally more bearable) and some other odds and ends of places. It sucks.

I have rheumatoid arthritis and believe tendonitis for me is an offshoot from that (similar to what Cayuse said). I already take NSAIDS and they don’t seem to help much. I’ve had the tendon sheaths injected with a variety of success. I just had an injection in a shoulder tendon a couple of weeks ago, and it is still extremely painful. I think I would have seen some improvement by now if it is going to work.

Pssst, Cayuse–I tried to PM you a while back and your mailbox was full again!

I don’t have tendonitis, but would voltaren gel help? So little is absorbed systemically at all–something like 2%?

Do you use therapeutic ultrasound in PT at all? You can purchase consumer versions for not a whole lot of money. Same with TENS. Or even those deep laser things. If you haven’t tried those treatment modalities, maybe a few PT sessions experimenting could be a good idea, to see if they help?

This stuff was recommended in my shoulder thread: https://www.amazon.com/Two-Old-Goats-Essential-Toughest/dp/B0050JZXB2

It works pretty dang well. Might be worth a shot?

I have my own tens unit and have used it for years now. It does help a bit. Ice and heat give some relief, too. Cold lasers are usually part of pt for me but I really don’t think they help much.

Like so many chronic things, it becomes a management task forever and reoccurs again and again. This time it happened because of a wild spook And lots of evasions and shoulders drifting out on a very large horse that requires a lot more contact than the others I ride.

So nice to have a place to complain!

Been there done that…couldn’t even pick up a glass at one point elbow was so bad. The only thing that keeps mine calm are treatments with my chiros Class IV laser. In winter when stalls are bad, I go weekly. In summer when the horses are out more and I’m not cleaning stalls too much, once a month works. Other people get tennis elbow-I say I have sh!t shoveling elbow!!:lol:

I have been dealing with tendonitis in my left arm, shoulder for the past two years. Tried biofreeze, PT, injections and NSAIDS. Finally had x-rays and then MRI, found out I have DDD in my neck and down my back. I have an appt. with my neurosurgeon in December to see what the next step will be. I also suffer from psoriatic arthritis. I can’t ride per doctors orders.

Did you have neck pain or was this diagnosis a surprise? I assume that tendinitis results from some biomechanics problem that puts more stress on the tendon and does the microtears in it.

I don’t have DDD, that I know of, but I do have spine issues from an old car wreck. It does affect my hands and arms. Years ago I got a quick DX of carpal tunnel that turned out to be completely neck/shoulder based.


I get flare ups of tendonitus in both wrists. In addition to NSAIDs (bummer you can’t take them) I use splints on both hands at night. Makes a tremendous difference for me.

I do use a splint on my left but the right one had carpal tunnel release about ten years ago and doesn’t get numb at night. I rode today and iced right after…not that I’m pulling but even a light contact hurts. I really hate this. It’s so inconvenient not to mention miserable.