I’ve got a 6-year-old Tennessee Walker. We have been in moderate English training for about a year and his fitness level would be considered quite good. He now has his second episode of stifle issues where his stifle on both hinds seems to partially lock and then release. Both times it happened after he was pushed in lessons as in asking for more collection etc. and then would slowly loose his balance in the following rides. He suddenly wobbles, walks like a crab, resists lots of aids and at times it feels like his hip collapses. The vet thinks we need to keep training as the more muscle he has built up, the better he can compensate for this. After his first episode, it took a month or so until we could do regular rides again. This time it seems much longer. We started getting better and then we actually stumbled and both fell, which didn’t help our confidence… He just seems wobbly and his hips feel spongy at times when riding. And I mostly walk him and not much more right now. He pulls the reins out of my hands and wants to stretch down a lot. Lunging was also recommended which I do a couple of times a week to keep his fitness level up. I just feel conflicted whether to back off or push him through as he seems so uncomfortable at times, yet all I hear recommended is to keep him going.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is this quite normal for TWH or unusual? Will this go away with activity and training or does he have a weakness in that regard? Overall, no one around me has much experience with gaited horses and their anatomical differences.